The deli never looked as menacing as it did when I stopped pedaling and stood to catch my breath outside the corner store. Lights were on inside, though only Spencer's car was parked out front. The tables that sometimes sat out on the sidewalk were nowhere to be seen and I forced myself to move until I was close enough to the glass to look inside the store. No one was sat at the tables, or at the counter, the only moving figure was Spencer lazily running a broom across the floor.

I hopped off the bike and pushed it far enough that I could dump it directly in front of the window and went to the door. Unclipping my helmet I ran a hand through my hair, trying to salvage my appearance somewhat as I walked over to the store's door. Just as my hand touched the handle my phone began vibrating in my pocket. One glance at the caller ID had me step away and dip into the side alley. Kicking my way through overturned cardboard boxes and cigarette butts I knew Spencer left the majority of, I scrambled to answer the call before it could switch over to voicemail.

Pressing my phone to my ear I let out a shaky breath, forcing myself to speak. "You have no idea how happy I am that you called me."

"You dialed me first," Tommo chuckled down the other end. "But I figured it was a pocket dial after you didn't say anything for a solid three minutes. You need to stop leaving your phone unlocked in your pocket, second time this month you've done this to me."

"Sorry, sorry," I laughed, leaning against the back wall nearby some newly thrown out trash bags. This close to the deli I could make out the faint hum of music from inside and it made me smile, pressing harder against the wall almost as if to make sure this moment was real.

"Why're you so happy I called?" Tommo asked, never one to miss anything.

"I'm about to do something really stupid," I mumbled and Tommo groaned, as if he'd already known but was hoping I'd answer with something else. "Like it's really, really, crazy stupid."

"What's Clark roped you into this time?"

"No, nothing like that!" I scoffed, shaking my head. "This is all me for once."

There was a pause down the line, broken when Tommo let out a hard sigh, asking cautiously, "I'm not going to be legally liable in whatever you're about to pull, am I?"

"No, nothing illegal is going to happen," I smiled, tipping my head up enough to make out the sky. No stars were out but the moon hung low, a full beam of light settled into the dark backdrop of the night.

"Is whatever you're gonna do worth it, or should I be asking for your location so I can pick you up before you make an ass of yourself?" Tommo asked and I could picture him, one foot already out the door ready to swoop in and save my ass.

"It's worth it. Scary, but worth it," I promised and Tommo hummed, suspicion lining the flat note.

"Is this to do with a certain somebody?" Tommo hinted, voice crinkling around a smile I knew was growing on his face.

"I gotta go," I said, ending the call just in time to hear him laugh down the line.

Pressing tighter to the wall I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I gathered myself. I was going to do this. I was going to tell Spencer how I felt about him.

"I can do this," I asserted, then blushed when I realized I was talking to myself. Not a good look.

It took a couple tries for me to get my phone into my pocket, hands shaking, then I was walking back to the front door. Side-stepping April's bike I shouldered the glass door open, startling at the loud chime of the bell hanging above me. Before I could collect myself, Spencer's head shot up from behind the counter, a giant plastic-wrapped hunk of prosciutto in his hand. Some kind of Pavlovian response in him kicked in as a warm yet reserved smile spread across his face, not even fully looking my way as his lips parted to say whatever rehearsed spiel they'd taught him to tell customers at closing.

Prince Charmings (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now