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April insisted on riding my handlebars on the way home.

Part of me believed Mom had sent her to ensure I wouldn't skip out on my own party but the other half reckoned she hoped to gain a peek at Spencer. Leaned against the bike rack she waved us over, offering Spencer a painfully large smile. I took note of her skewed skirt and drooping v-neck, immediately wanting to shrug off Flemming's sweater and throw it over her.

"Hello boys," she beamed and I was quick to shove her aside, working on the lock.

"April, charming as always," Spencer winked, batting my hands away. "I swear your brother is the only person who can't get this thing open."

"Fuck off," I rolled my eyes, straddling the now freed bike and flinching back at the mouthful of hair that flew my way as April made herself comfortable.

"Enjoy your evening children," Spencer said, making to stride off when I stopped him.

"You're not coming tonight?" I asked, puzzled because I knew for a fact April would've invited him given the heart eyes she was still sending his way.

Spencer shrugged. "I'm not sure what you're implying I come to, since there is totally not a surprise party waiting for you back home or anything. I have work though, until midnight if Debbie does end up ducking out of her closing shift."

"You will be sorely missed, but right now I have a feeling that any more of a hold up may result in a scolding from our mother," April said, clapping her hands together before motioning for me to start cycling.

Offering Spencer a look I waved him goodbye before gingerly gripping the handlebars.

"Anyone ever tell you, you have the thickest thighs of the family," I grimaced when I had to wedge a hand underneath April to make a sharp turn off school grounds.

She hummed back, wiggling enough that I almost rode straight off the curb and into the pile of cardboard stacked by a garage can.

"I'm ignoring that because it's your birthday, the one day of the year you matter more than I do."

"But we both will never matter more than Thomas does," I reminded her, and April nodded. "Is he coming to my non-surprise party?"

"I think he's bringing Willow, which should be interesting because Dad doesn't like her."

"No shit? Then again, Dad doesn't like any of Thomas' girlfriends."

I pulled to a stop before the house, arching a brow at the numerous cars parked on the sides of the road.

"We couldn't make everyone walk here now could we," April groveled, hopping off the bike and to the front door. I laid the thing on its side and practiced my surprised expression as April, with the least amount of subtlety, knocked lightly on the door frame before pushing the thing open.

In my pocket, my phone buzzed and I quickly checked it, turning on my data to load a photo sent from Spencer. It was a three-pack of chapstick, follows by a single text.

S. Fox (3:53 PM): This enough grease for you?

I snorted at it, going to reply when a violent chorus of voices greeted me, startling me enough to send my phone crashing to the ground. The thud was swallowed by the roars of laughter and I flinched as Thomas bombarded me with the flash of his phone, taking several photos while tears streamed down his face from laughing so hard.

"I didn't think we'd actually scare you," he wheezed, collapsing against my shoulder to sneak a picture of the pair of us. My non-amused expression didn't change when he finally glided off to April's side, showing her the photos. Kneeling I collected my phone, wincing at the large crack that ran across its screen protector. Thank god I let Mom convince me to buy one.

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