Chapter 40: Cause you're gorgeous.

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Amelia's outfit above.

Amelia Black

'Always tell the truth.' That is probably the first lesson that my parents gave me when I was growing up and since I was a good girl, I learnt to always be honest.

My mother is obsessed with Maya Angelo.

"Tell the truth to yourself first, and to the children." It's a quote by Maya that my mum framed and put on my bedroom wall.

I was a very honest child and I was taught that the first person I shouldn't lie to is myself.

I think it's very obvious to say that I have liked Adam for a while now. I don't when or how I started having feelings for him, I just know that he triggers my heart.

I'm always thinking about him and doing that makes me so happy. He's an amazing person, he's the most gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on and he's so good to me. What more can a girl ask for?

"What are you thinking?" Colton asks me.

"You look so different." I half lie.

"Emily thinks it's hot." He grins, stroking his new facial hair.

He and I made plans to meet today so after my classes ended, I came and met him at a cafe near his company. Colton is the most serious out of all my friends. I really respect and trust him because he's always been there for me.

Kinda like a big brother. He is also perfect with Em. He makes her happy. He's a good guy.

"It is." I agree, smiling.

"Thanks." He smiles.

"So how are you dealing with all these responsibilities?" I ask referring to him working at his dad's company.

"I mean, I haven't taken full control yet but it's exhausting. Everything feels different." He answers.

"I know and it sucks that the guys are not here to help you chill out." I pout.

Colton has gone through a lot but he's a very brave person. He is so mature and can handle himself in every situation.


"But you know, I'm here right? If you need anyone to go with you to those weird art bars that you like, I'll be happy to come along." I smile.

"I'll hold you on to that."

"Emily told me about Adam."

"What?! Oh my God!" It hasn't even been twenty four hours since I told them.

"Am I bad person?"


"But he's Liam's brother."

"We don't get to choose the people we fall in love with, Amelia."

"No, we don't because I tried so hard, Colton. Every time I felt something, I tried to ignore it and push every feeling away but they kept coming back." I let out a deep breath. "I just......I've never met someone like him. He's incredible."

"It's okay."

"I know this is hard to ask but can you please not say anything about this to Liam?"

"Of course."

"I just don't know what to do. I know Adam doesn't feel the same and he probably never would."

"Don't say that. Adam might be very complicated but he has emotions."

I let out a deep breath. "This is hard. It was easier when I kept it to myself. Now, it's like every thing is a hundred times stronger."

"You're going to get through this. You are one of the strongest girls I know."

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