Prologue: Till death do us apart.

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The groom's tux above.

Amelia Smith

My heart is pounding so hard.

Jasmine's dad, the mayor is the marriage officiant. He's standing in a tux with a happy expression on his face.

As my dad and I reach the end of the aisle, he hugs me. "I'm so proud of you." He says in my ear and presents me to Adam who's hand is held out. I take the hand and we both stand in front of Mayor Andre Johnson .

I look at Adam and he has his usual scowl on his face. He doesn't look happy at all but that doesn't keep him from looking handsome.

Even though I don't want this marriage, I can't deny the fact that the groom is ravishingly handsome and so fucking hot.

His beautiful brown eyes stare into mine and I can't help but to feel a pain in my chest. There are like Liam's, only a bit darker.

How did he even agree to this?

"You look beautiful." He whispers blankly.

There is no admiration in his eyes or voice so that means, he either said that because of the cameras or he is just trying to be polite.

"Thank you." I force a smile on my face.

My mum told to act happy because of the show and most of the people that are here don't know that this is a 'business' marriage.

Even though my friends mourn with me, I can tell that they are really excited for the wedding.

There are very mad at Liam. Nicole said it's a good that I'm getting the more handsome brother. Does that even matter?

I'm trying my best to stay strong since it was my decision to agree to this. I've cried so much, every fucking night.

I think of Liam everyday and wonder where he is and how he's doing. It's been six days.

Half of those days, I've been lying in the hospital unconscious and the other half happen to be the worst days of my life.

Does he miss me like I miss him?

Does he think of me?

Will I ever stop loving him?

I love him so much but at the same time, I hate him. I hate him for leaving me. My heart hurts so much in pain.

After I told my dad I will marry Adam, everything changed. I stopped caring about the wedding and like I said earlier, I left everything in the hands of my bridesmaids.

During the day, I stay strong and plaster fake smiles on my face then I breakdown at night.

I know I made the right choice though.

This marriage is about all the council members' children. I will give up my anything for my siblings and friends.

I let out a soft sigh and drift my eyes to where my bridesmaids are standing.

I'm happy with my choice even though I know  it's going to change my life forever.

"Ladies and gentlemen," The mayor starts, "we are gathered here on this day to witness the union of Adam Black and Amelia Smith." He then looks at us. "You may say your vows."

Adam looks into my eyes. "I, Adam take you Amelia to be my lawfully wedded wife. I vow to always be there, to always listen and to always hold you close. I will love, honour, respect, encourage and cherish you, In sickness and health, for better or worse, through sorrow and success, for all the days my life." He says.

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