Chapter 3 - Part 5

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["Yes. You did well to keep your end, so might as well keep mine only if tomorrow morning you can tell me what these three spells have in common." he said and dismissed Haiden to his room.]

Haiden sat patiently on the side of his bed fully dressed, bouncing his gaze from the door, to the green walls, to the window. The mist had rolled again over Elo'yn casting a ghostly appearance over the white city. Today it was thicker and he could barely see anything outside, just milky surroundings. He felt anticipation whirl in his gut as he waited for Master Rwoy.

I'll teach him how to knock," he thought.

It was taking more than usual for Master Rwoy to barge in and Haiden was beginning to wonder what was he up to? Calming his nerves he listened carefully to any footsteps outside his door. Strangely enough, there were no servants bustling about that could be heard on this floor. He used this to his advantage, thinking that if there are no servants around, the steps that would follow could only be Master Rwoy, so he sat and listened.

Haiden's boot tapped impatiently on the wooden floor, ear plastered to the door waiting. He guessed that an hour had passed during which anticipation churned in his gut making him use the lavatory multiple times. Just as he felt the pressure of his bowels demanding another visit he heard hurried footsteps on just outside. He steeled himself in front of the door, making sure to compartmentalize, he drew on his fios. Static tingled his arms and with a practiced mental shove of his will the air next to the door shimmered. A shield the size and shape of the door had formed, ready to be moved instantly as soon as the door opens. Haiden could now hear the footsteps clearly.

Any moment now, he thought.

And as expected the door flew open with a loud bang as usual, revealing Master Rwoy blocking the dim morning light. As soon as he tried to step in he was flung a few paces backwards only to catch himself with his Wielding, recovering in an instant. The corners of Haidens lips tugged into a victorious smils.

"You know, Master Rwoy, it's quite dangerous not to knock when you have an Academy full of young wielders that startle easily." he mused. Master Rwoy had gotten up quite graciously given the rough tumble. His dark eyes were shadowed by his furiously creased brows, Haiden was intimidated but stood his ground, chest puffed and chin up. With a wave of his hand Master Rwoy dismissed the shield that Haiden summoned and stepped in mancingly forcing Haiden to step back. Haiden laughed nervously.

"Kid, you got some nerve." he said in a gruff voice. "Shit! That was one hell of a shield." his demeanor changing into his usual aloof one allowing Haiden to relax.

"T-thanks, for one moment I thought you'd kill me." he breathed in relief.

"So did I." he chuckled. "Right, we don't have much time today so we need to tone the jokes to a minimum." Haiden nodded. "Do you have your answer?"

"Aye, but I'm not sure if it's correct." Haiden admitted and waiting for a reply from Master Rwoy but he never gave one, the silence became awkward.

"Well? What is it?" he finally asked.

"Uh, yes. What the tree spells have in common...." he trailed off buying his time trying to put his thoughts together. In reality he hadn't given it much thought until last night, just a crazy idea that popped into his head while racking his brains for something. Finally, mustering the courage to speak he said, "T-the spells can't create something from nothing. They use the motes that are already around us and the energy or fios that's within us." Haiden's heart was hammering in his chest, if his answer was wrong he could say goodbye to learning the first step to becoming a healer.

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