Chapter 19 - Part 1

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The tepid night was still and quiet, not even the wind dared blow through the leafy trees of the Academy's grounds. Everything was bathed in blue eerie light from the mighty moon, Lotri'ea, that sat snugly perched in the dark sky watching over in silence.

Unlike her sisters, Lotri'ea's light was soft, gently, ghostly. Bringing to life long passed memories and souls. The spectral atmosphere permeated the very air itself with diffused pale light that unnaturally brought alight particles in the air. It was as if these fragments of souls were the very source of the blue sister's light.

The party of four, Haiden, Tasgal, Maree, and Camila, snuck closely along the shrubbery that flanked the stone tiled ways. They crept on all fours, dirtying and muddying their clothes carelessly as they tried their best not to peek over the waist tall shrubs and bushes.

Master Uligarth, as always, patrolled the Academy grounds, now even more vigilant than before. Master Rwoy accompanied him, chatting about all sorts of idle subjects. The old man was visibly annoyed by the chatter. He cursed whoever broke into the Headmistress' office for ruining his lonely nightly routine of introspection. The two men hovered lightstones around themselves, sending over one whenever they thought they saw something before returning it back to their circle. Although Master Rwoy was lost in a monologue about the upcoming celebration of the Trials, he was in no mean slacking on his patrol, ever so watchful and keen-eyed on everything that moved in the dark shadows.

Haiden and the rest held their breaths as the two MAster Wielders approached.

"... promised it's going to be quite the show. Now, I don't know what he means by that, but I hope it's nothing too dangerous, like the last time." Master Rwoy said and Uligarth just grunted groggily. "Headmistress said she doesn't know what he'll bring, and doesn't care much. I believe she called it a stupid tradition, but I, for one, rather enjoy a good competition now and again. Gives the students something to strive for, to get better, don't you think?" Another grunt left Master Uligarth's lips. "I know I shouldn't make too much fuss about it, he's a Councilman afterall, but something doesn't sit right with me." Master Rwoy and Uligarth went right past the group without either one of them batting an eye. "Creator knows that Councilman ...." The monologue faded into the night.

Haiden waited for a few more minutes before deciding to move and motion to the others to follow. Tasgal was behind Haiden and hurried his pace intentionally, poking him in his behind from now and again in good fun, but Haiden was of a different opinion. He gave a few angry stares past his shoulder to Tasgal and mouthed "Stop it, now!" but Tasgal was having too much fun to do so. Maree and Camila followed quietly, not saying one word. Their hearts were pounding out of their chests. It was their first time sneaking off. Usually their status, even Maree, whose family gave up their title, still had a great deal of influence due to their sheer wealth, secured everything they wanted, when they wanted it. Camila was rather furious when Haiden told them what they're going to do and she argued that they should just ask for permission, but gave when Haiden did not want to hear any of it. It was too risky, they would ask too many unnecessary questions.

It took them the better part of an hour to reach their destination. Haiden knew that the gardens were not part Master Uligarth's partroll route, so once they were well inside, he finally got up and shook all the dirt and dust from his cloak. The rest followed suit.

"Are you certain you want to do this?" Camila asked again.

"Yes." Haiden placed a finger to his lips and whispered. "Keep quiet. The old man has too good of a hearing."

"Sorry." Camila whispered back. She was uncertain and glanced at Tasgal and Maree hoping they too would voice their concerns but no one backed her up.

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