Chapter 2 - Part 2

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The fat man was in trouble. Looking at the big splotch of mud on his clothes, his face flushed with anger. His fist clenched to white knuckles and eyes locked at the fat man's feet, Haiden took one big breath in and concentrated on his power. As soon as static tingled his fingertips, he sent his power towards the fat man as a wave of anger in the form of a mental shove.

Nothing happened.

He reached out a hand as if propelling his energy towards the stubby man and again, nothing. Flashes of fire, Regor and his parents all went through his mind in rapid succession. Confused and annoyed he tried again and again increasing the potency and again, nothing happened.

Regor's bloody body flashed through his mind. His already poor control over his powers was now worse than before. Regor's death had left its deep mark on Haiden's soul and mind, this was the first time he had managed to wield after the incident.

"Creators damn it! I hope that asshole drops dead!" he finally said releasing his frustration. After shooting daggers into the man's back until he couldn't see him any more he exhaled.

Not reall, still an ass hole though, he thought.

Haiden lifted his muddy trunk with a grunt and got off the road setting it aside.

"Right." He said to himself. "Now I just need to find the fucking Academy," looking around he looked for people with kind faces to ask for directions, but he only found hard faced merchants that ignored his questions and avoiding him like the plague. Starting to get annoyed he decided to change his spot to find more engageable people...or people with their heads not stuck so far up their asses their breath smelled like shit, as he liked to put it.

Huh, maybe that's why they're assholes, he thought.

He took his trunk and headed forward on the main road. Shortly after the road turned from mud to clean cobblestone boulevard and ahead was a small market filled with people which gave Haiden a twinge of hope. But, yet again the people were cold as the weather and uninterested to help. Spotting a couple of guards on patrol he eagerly dashed to them.

"Excuse, me sirs?" He said in a forced polite voice.

"Beat it kid!" The taller guard said. They didn't stop to even look at Haiden.

"Wait, I need help!"

"We ain't got no coin for no bums." The stockier one said. "Now, my friend here said BEAT IT!" and pushed Haiden out of the way. Haiden was dumbfounded, how could people of this so-called great city be so self-absorbed and cold. He stuck to the walls of shops and found a place to rest on a flat border stone.

"What the fuck is wrong with these people!"

"A lot, if you think about it. They're arrogant and only care about themselves. Most won't spare a few minutes to help a poor homeless child in distress." A soft voice said from behind him. The border stone was part of the threshold of a store. The door of which was now opened. Haiden cocked his head back trying to take a look at who had spoken.

"I'm not homeless! I certainly am not a child!" Haiden said revolted his mouth opened to say something more but he quickly realized that the woman wasn't entirely wrong. He was dirty and smelled like shit.

"You sure look like one," the woman graced Haiden with her presence stepping out of the store. She wore a thick blue skirt over which she had draped a darker blue coat covered by a black shawl. Her face was round and small with beady eyes and raven hair. Her white complexion contrasted the dark colors she wore.

"Aliza, and you?" She reached a gloved hand.

"Haiden." He said shyly, the eager openness of the woman standing in the doorway made him nervous but then again he was glad he finally managed to get someone's attention.

COMPLETED Remembrance of Self | Fantasy | LGBTQNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ