5. Close Encounter

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Theo's POV

Savannah's phone rings and I see its Callum. She turns to me as she stands up from the bed. "Sorry I need to take this." 

I stop her mid way and place my hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about it, I'll leave." She sits back down and I leave the room.

I leave the door slightly open and stay near the door as I have a sudden urge to listen into their conversation. Surely if she had a boyfriend she wouldn't have let me nearly kiss her.

She begins, "Hey Callum, are you ok?"

She pauses for a bit, "But I don't want to, there must be another way."

"No I do like you, but I told you I don't want to do it yet." What don't you want to do Savannah, keep talking.

"I'm not stupid I know I don't need to show you my body to show I like you." I instantly feel disgusted, she needs to get rid of this guy.

"Callum please don't end the call. Please."

Looks like he did end the call as I hear her sigh. I quickly go down to get a glass of water then head back up and knock on the door. "Come in." I hear her say. 

I walk in to see her with a lost look on her face, her beautiful smile from before has vanished. She doesn't even look at me. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Do you want some water?" I motion the glass towards her but she shakes her head no.

After a few long seconds she finally looks up at me and gives me a fake smile. "Sorry, I'm ok, thank you."

I reach over her to put the glass down on the table next to her. "Savannah talk to me, you're not ok. I see it on your face."

She looks at me thinking about it, then replies. "Honestly, I'm ok."

I place my hand on her knee, pleading with her. "I'm your brothers best friend, I should be looking after you. If you don't want him to know I won't say anything, I promise. But you should speak to me at least.'

She takes even longer to think this time. "Don't tell Adam but there's just this guy that I like." I smile on the inside because she trusts me enough to speak about Callum. "He likes me back but all of the time he asks for -" She pauses for a second. "For pictures. I've known him for a few weeks but I'm not comfortable enough to do that yet. But it bothers him so much, I was at his earlier and he scared me so much because I thought he was going to hit me over it, that's how much it means to him. But yeah I -"

"Wait Savannah. He was going to hit you?" Now I wish I didn't promise not to tell Adam

She shakes her head quickly. "No, I just thought he was." She forcefully laughs but I stay staring at her with no expression, making her look away. 

"Why did you think he was going to?" 

"He got angry over it and called me a bitch then I asked him not to call me a bitch but he kept saying it so I went to slap him then he grabbed my arm-" Her voice gets quieter towards the end and she suddenly stops.

She starts clutching her chest as her breathing rate increases and I can tell by her face that she's finding it harder to breathe. I hold her arms. "Savannah, are you ok?" Shit! I shouldn't have asked her! What do I do? I pull her into a hug whilst rubbing her back. "Hey I'm here, relax, follow my breathing pattern."

Her breathing progressively returns to a normal rate and we hold the embrace a little longer than intended, but I didn't mind. She starts to speak but a little quiet at first. "I'm sorry."

"Hey don't be, you did nothing wrong. What happened?"

She pulls away from me and looks into my eyes. "I think I had a small panic attack but you helped me a lot so thank you." 

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