38. Needed Pleasure

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Savannah's POV

I haven't spoke to Adam or more like he hasn't spoke to me. I've tried to call him countless times but he either ends the call or turns off his phone. He doesn't bother to text me also, I'm really worried about him. I don't know if he's doing well for himself or if he's in danger. I've tried to ask my parents about where he is and they just say that he's working away for the weekend. I just hope that he's actually 'working' and not doing something dumb.

Theo hasn't tried to call or text me either. I've been waiting for him to do it first because he needs to apologise to me. I shouldn't be running after him, he should be running after me. I've said my sorry for telling Adam yet he hasn't said sorry for a single bad thing he's done. I'm sick of it.

I don't want to go to college either, I just can't be bothered with people talking about me. I don't want a repeat of yesterday. I felt humiliated in front of everyone.

Seen as though I have nothing else to do I might as well do a shift at work for the first time in forever.

Hey, I've got a day off college do you need me to work?

Hello Savannah, about time I heard from you. I was beginning to think that you forgot about your job. Of course I need you, you might as well start now.

Okay, I'll be over in a few minutes.

Well, that went better than I expected, however saying that, my uncle always sounds nicer on text.

Coming back from work I've got to say that my uncle wasn't overworking me at all which I wondered as to why. Normally when I'm late he never gives me a break but I've just had about a months break and he has happily let me work at a normal rate. He didn't even give me a lecture as to why I didn't turn up or anything which was also highly unlike him. He must just be in a good mood I guess.

Hey, do you want to come round today?

Yeah, what's up?

Nothing really I guess I just want to see you.

Aw, I want to see you too. Can I come now? I'm done for the day.

Yeah, that's fine.

I walk, more like sprint, next door and knock on the door. Matt answers with his headphones on then quickly takes them off. "Hey, come in."

"Hey." I walk in and sit on a sofa whilst Matt heads towards the kitchen.

"You want anything?"

"Nope, I'm good thanks."

He grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and sits next to me. "No one is in."

"That reminds me, has Adam came home yet?"

He shakes his head. "Nope, he hasn't ever since that day he found out about you and Theo."

I don't know why I thought that there was a little bit of hope that Adam returned. "Well have you heard from him?"

"Yeah he has spoke to me a few times and before you ask, he's fine and he'll be back in a few days."

"I'm so glad to hear that. However, I just wish to hear his voice again."

"Has he not talked to you yet?"

I sigh. "Nope, he's been ignoring my calls and texts."

"Oh." He begins to take long gulps of water which is making me stare at one, how fast he's managed to drink half the bottle and two, the satisfaction of seeing his Adam's apple bop when he swallows.

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