41. Deadly Mistakes

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Adam's POV

Everything has gone wrong. This wasn't meant to happen.

When I found out that Theo was fucking Savannah I wanted to put him through pain. That motherfucker used my sister and was putting her in danger the longer they were together. I thought that the only way to give him a lesson was to bring his brother to him.

That day I found out, I booked a hotel away from my house and stayed there. I couldn't stand to look at either of them, especially Theo because then I'd want to kill him myself and ruin the plan.

I'm so glad about what I do for a living because this meant that I had connections that had a link to Carlo. With a bit of persuasion and a lot of money, I managed to get Carlo's number.

Just so I wasn't getting scammed I rang the number in front of the guy.

"Hello, is this Carlo"

"It is indeed. I recognise that voice, it's Adam isn't it?"

"Yes." I hand the guy the money and begin to walk out of the building.

"I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon. Actually, I wasn't expecting to hear from you at all."

"Yeah well, I'm sure you've already figured out that we've moved."

"Yep, I know that was Theo's idea to get away from me."

"If you want me to bring Theo to you then I want you to sort out some sort of accommodation where I am right now."

"Okay I'll try to sort that out but where is that area?"

"I know you know my location already, you're very talkative today which means that you're stalling me to track the GPS. Theo isn't with me, however, I will bring him to wherever you are."

"You really are a bright one Adam. Why are you helping me?"

I sigh. "Let's say I realised that you are the right one in this situation."

"I really like your attitude, why not work for me some time."

I'd rather go to hell. "It'll be a pleasure. But for now, when you sort out the accommodation text me the address and I'll bring Theo right to your doorstep."

"Will do, see you soon."

I end the call. With my other phone, I made sure neither Savannah or Theo called me. I would've ended up saying things that I would seriously regret. I also made sure I didn't step foot in that house again otherwise Carlo's men would've tracked it down and put my family in danger.

After that, I quickly called Matt and told him to make sure that Savannah stays away from Theo. That means away from the house and not being able to contact him in anyway. I don't know if Matt was seriously keeping a watchful eye on her or if he didn't block Theo's contact details from her phone but either way everything went wrong.

When Carlo messaged me the address I went straight over there. After a few hours of him talking to me, it was time to text Theo the address. Because I didn't contact him for such a long time when I texted him to meet me at the address to 'talk' he didn't hesitate to do so. A day or so before a lot of my mates were messaging and calling me saying Theo's trying to find me so I guess he was eager to speak to me, the motherfucker. Nothing he could've said would've made me forgive him in the moment.

After texting him the address I went out with Rosanna for a while then Carlo texted me to come back. When I did so that's when he gave me the beautiful money that I deserved, right in front of Theo's face. That look would always have a place in my mind. It was priceless and I loved it.

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