Chapter Sixteen - Part One

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Sleep was peaceful and I guess much needed as I slept late into the day. Maxwell didn't bother to wake me and now I'm left with little amount of time before the presentation begins.

"You're nervous, I understand, but nothing terrible is going to happen." Maxwell rubs my arms, trying to calm me.

"What exactly is going to happen? I mean, what's the purpose of this presentation anyways?" Part of me wants to know and the other part of me is scared to death to find out.

"Think of this as our engagement celebration."

"Engagement celebration, but you didn't ask me to marry you." Marriage? He's comparing this to marriage.

"I can if that will make it easier for you. You're my bride, Charlie, in the eyes of vampires and in the human terms."

"A dead bride, not a bride in a gorgeous white dress."

"Is that what you want? To walk down the aisle in a white dress in front of every single person you know?"

"Maybe. Is that so hard to believe?"

"No." He remains silent for a bit. I'm just about to say something when he starts to speak again. "After this we can go back home and you won't have to worry about impressing anyone or have death looming over your shoulder. I'll give you all the time you need to decide when to start the change." He changes the subject quickly. Maybe it's because he can't truly give me that big wedding.

I go with the change of conversation. I don't want to talk weddings with Maxwell anyways. "I need to find something to wear."

"I already have something picked out for you," Maxwell says as he walks past me straight into the bedroom. There's no doubt in my mind that my mouth wants to question his intentions when he stops in front of the large oak armoire in the corner of the room, but I remain quiet as he opens it widely. He pushes several clothes that I assume to be his to the right and reaches deep inside.

He pulls out a long black dress bag on a thick plastic hanger. I can see the muscles in his forearm flex from the weight. My heart races as he slowly unzips it. I have no idea why I'm so anxious. Please don't be a white dress. Please don't be a wedding dress for christ sake.

After he removes the bag it glides gently to the floor. Finally I'm able to view what's hidden inside. A gorgeous black silk mermaid style evening gown with a pink corset top stares back at me. Fabric that flares out in the form of a train of sorts from the waist down creates a slender silhouette.

" want me to wear that?" I'm speechless at its beauty, yet also speechless about the presentation once again. "A formal gown. Maxwell, what are you not telling me? There is no business engagement celebration in the world where a person would wear this fancy of a gown."

"It's a very formal event. I'll let you get changed. Grace brought shoes and accessories from your closet to match. They're over by the dresser."

I don't get a chance to refuse or demand that he answers my question of what he is hiding from me, because he immediately walks out and shuts the door. Mumbles of terror spill out of my mouth as I shimmy into the dress. I twist my arm as far back as it can go only to hang my head in defeat. I have to ask for assistance in zipping up the last two inches or so.

Sitting as best as I can on the edge of the bed, I put on black studded earrings and silver and black bangle bracelets along with a pair of black heels before I face the music. "Maxwell," I say into the empty room with my back to the door.

He immediately enters within seconds as if he were waiting right outside. "Yes, Charlie." There's a seductiveness to his voice that I'm sure is intentional.

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