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The Travors Bloodline

August 5th, 1716

Transcriber: Fredrick Yearn

Maxwell George Barnett is born within the Freemore bloodline. Vampire Cornelius Herrington is possessor of all individuals who belong within the stated bloodline. At the moment Maxwell is one of eight persons alive who can nourish their owner. Thankfully, vampire rules state that blood lettings cannot happen until the individual is no longer a child.

March 17th, 1736

Transcriber: Fredrick Yearn

Pity grows deep in the pit of my stomach for Mr. Barnett who is now twenty years old. For the past four years Maxwell has endured the aggressive, inhumane behavior of the vampire that has control over him. Numerous feedings result in him being nearly unconscious. But the increased isolation is what's breaking the young man's morale. I've seen this happen to many donors in my years. It's frightening to see a spark of vengeance in a man's eyes.

September 13th, 1748

Transcriber: Alexander Rein

Maxwell suddenly becomes the only remaining human to feed Cornelius due to the deaths of the other two donors who remained. One illness related and the other was sentenced to death because of unlawful actions. Maxwell, age thirty-two (Pictured to the right) is unwillingly turned due to the growing infestation of small pox. With this Maxwell and Cornelius will be assigned a new bloodline, which I'm sure will be fully stocked with donors.

February 27th, 1776

Transcriber: Alexander Rein

Cornelius Herrington, Maxwell's maker has gone missing and is presumed dead after finding a pile of ash in the woods. Little evidence points to the assailant. Cornelius wasn't a very liked man, but Maxwell has the most motive in killing him. However, he is never tried for the death, but suspicious eyes remain on him. I witnessed the event occur and I will die with the facts of the brutal murder. My advice, don't underestimate Mr. Barnett.

June 3rd, 1776

Transcriber: Jonas Degolos

Since a conviction never occurred, Maxwell now has full ownership of his current bloodline, the Travors. I have counted seven individuals for him to choose from currently. None of which he holds any interest in at the time being. His behavior resembles the aggressive manner of the vampire that made him. He uses and tosses the limp individuals aside without a bit of compassion. I will remain watching him and his acquaintances.

May 23rd, 1851

Transcriber: Marco Longburrow

Speculation is once again placed upon Maxwell due to the death of friend Henry Mead's human consort, Prue Wendall. Prue was said to become Henry's bride within two weeks of her death. The High Council revealed information that Maxwell was the last person to speak with the young woman before she committed suicide.

With his growing forceful, selfish behavior toward the humans within his bloodline and now being blamed for causing Prue's death, Maxwell is sentenced to one hundred years without feeding. He is to spend his punishment in a square cell buried deep in the ground, blocked off from the sun but also blocked off from the rest of civilization.

His bloodline has been notified and they are moving to seek safety. No one is aware of where they will be going.

November 17th, 1954

Transcriber: Doug Reddington

I have found the Travors bloodline and with many marriages and births of children, two new bloodlines diverge from the main source. The first family line is now known as the Bloomburgs. The second line is now the Prestons.

July 30th, 1986

Transcriber: Doug Reddington

Gravely, I have been found by Mr. Barnett. He has been following me for several weeks now and I feel my time is coming to an end. My most recent finding is that, unlike the Bloomburg family line, the Prestons have birthed a child. I will not disclose any information about the individual because of the possibility of him gaining access to this journal.

Message to the next transcriber who takes over my duties: Do not underestimate vampire Maxwell George Barnett. He can be very deceitful and aggressive, but at the same time very cunning and humane. Keep the bloodline secret.

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