Chapter 3: Part ONE

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Tossing and turning in bed, I beg for my eyes to remain closed. A lazy half roll is all I can muster to stretch away the restlessness. Within seconds of my new found position, though, the sheet slides off, exposing my barely clothed body. The feel of a large hand trailing up my thigh causes my body to shiver with anticipation. I don't need to open my eyes to know who the hand belongs to. His hand keeps a steady pace as he glides his fingertips over my stomach to linger on my chest. Goosebumps break out over my skin from his tickling touch.

His lips touch my ear, and his seductive voice has an angelic tone as he whispers my name. "Charlie."

The need to be close to him gets to be too much for me to keep bottled up and my back arches in efforts of raising myself to my knees. However, when my head gets a few inches off the pillow he pushes me back down only to climb on the bed himself. His strong hands bend my legs at the knee. Loitering behind my closed legs, his hands rub at my knees and down my calves.

The dire yearning that wants out breaks through just the slightest when small points of pressure from his fingers walk down the length of my leg, causing a giggle to exit my sealed mouth. It's not until he grasps my underwear in his hand that my giggle episode fades into something serious. Without wasting a second, he yanks the thin lace fabric and tosses the now useless article of clothing aside. Even though a rush of air escapes out of my mouth when the loud tearing of the fabric fills the room, I feel nothing remotely close to pain.

Looking him dead in the eyes, I see something change. All playfulness vanishes and the look in his eyes turns into one of a predator. The tips of his fingers dig into my knees, ripping my closed legs apart. Taking as much time as he wants, making me wait for him, he roughly rubs my inner thighs. I'm positive that bruises would be left after our escapades, but since I don't bruise easily, there's no damage done. It doesn't take long for him to lower himself down to hover over me.

As he props himself above me, I can feel his completely naked body. He teases me by pressing himself against me, slowly moving his hips back and forth for a few seconds before moving away. A pounding in my eardrums from wanting his mouth to be upon mine fills the silence. The feel of fire courses through my veins.

Devoid of warning, he plunges himself into me. A smile of satisfaction finds his face from the sudden impact of his body slamming into me. Finally, his lips find mine and instantly I explore the inside of his mouth. His newly extended, sharp fangs scrap against my tongue. A moan of pleasure rumbles deep in my chest. With each rock of his body, my fingernails dig deeper and deeper into his back, while my legs push him harder into me.

In efforts of holding back a moan to deprive him of any cockiness he could get from the pleasure he can induce, I bite my lower lip hard enough that a line of teeth marks remain etched in the tissue. When I finally release my lip from among my teeth the faint taste of blood fills my mouth. Just the smell of blood in the air makes his thrusts more violent. The force makes my breath rush out in the form of grunts and my body shudder.

That's all it took for me to reach the peak. Involuntary twitches attack my body as my legs demand for him to go deeper. Lost in the moment, I don't have time to see his need. As his body stiffens between my legs, he hurriedly pins one of my shoulders down while his free hand tilts my head to the side, exposing my neck. A quick scrap of his fangs against the sensitive skin lightens my mood before he plunges his teeth into my veins. Dark red liquid that doesn't make it into his sucking mouth trails over my shoulder, making a puddle on the bed sheet beneath me.

I leave faint red scratch marks behind on his back as he jerks his hips at a steady pace until his throbbing pulse of fulfillment stops. It doesn't take long for him to look at me with his fangs still extended, bloody mouth and all.

"You're mine forever now." The words don't seem to come out of his mouth as they echo throughout the room. The slow repetition of 'mine forever' tighten my chest.

A deep breath gets sucked into my unknowing lungs as I bolt upright in bed, clenching the collar of my sleep shirt. With my body drenched in sweat and still unable to catch my breath as it comes out in heavy gasps, I barely manage a few words in a hoarse, unsteady voice. "Holy was just a dream...holy shit."

Instantly, my fingers examine my neck in search of a bite mark. It was just a dream, Charlie, it was just a dream, I continue to tell myself. That devilish smile on his face as he left flashes across my eyes, his words repeating in my head, 'sweet dreams, Charlie.' That jerk. He knew I was going to fantasize about him and that makes me more livid than fearful. Frantically, I squint against the darkness in the room, searching for another pair of eyes, his eyes. Nonetheless, even though I feel like he's watching me, I'm alone.

A quick glance at the clock tells me it's a little after five in the morning and the sun's starting to rise. More than a little freaked out to go back to sleep, I crawl out of bed. My limbs still shake from the realistic dream. Even though I feel his touch lingering on my yearning body, I'll never admit that I'm attracted to a psychopath. I'll never admit being attracted to a vampire. Just thinking about makes me huff out a small puff of laughter.

The sun lightens the halls just enough to allow me to see any obstacles that stand in my way. Lacking sleep and being woken suddenly impairs my reflexes and drowns me in grogginess. The empty semi lit living room seems like heaven and once I plop myself down on the plush couch some of my unease washes away.

The back of my hand rubs forcefully at the tender skin under my eyes as I lie on the sofa, watching nonsense on TV. A rug burn like sting encompasses my eye sockets and whenever my eyes well up with tears from having them remain open for so long it burns even more. My heavy eyelids fight to close and without wanting to abide, my body pushes my fearful mind aside. Blackness.

That free falling feeling tingles my arms and legs, and then the impact of the carpeted floor jolts me awake. A groan of pain escapes out of my dry mouth. My hand vigorously rubs at the spot that made contact with the floor. Instead of getting off the floor immediately, I contemplate what to do. Sleeping in my bed doesn't seem pleasant and sleeping on the couch is deadly.

There is only one place to ease this anxiety that eats at me. Work. And I get there in record time.

The familiar smell of the air freshener that fills my office building takes over my senses, making my fast beating heart simmer down. Passing Morgan's desk stops me in my tracks. I don't remember Morgan leaving her desk so messy Friday night. A shrug of my shoulders brushes it off due to my lack of attentiveness and being late in meeting Juliet. The need for coffee increases my slow pace to the break room. The chairs carelessly tossed in the small room and garbage lining the counter tops makes the confusion from Morgan's desk turn to suspicion. Someone was here this weekend.

Work is the best kind of distraction and I'm more than thankful that I have plenty of it to keep me occupied, but dread and panic eat at me. It had to be Morgan. No one else has a key. But why would she do this and who did she do it with?

Cup after cup of coffee only give a short-lived boost. As the sky gets darker, the greater the restlessness. I stretch across my desk in efforts to wake my stiff muscles back up, but as my hands reach out, my head touches the table and before I know it I'm resting on a pile of papers.

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