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A week has passed, I haven't gone to meet Markus yet. I am not quite ready to yet.

Everyday, he sends something new, our once small living room is now even smaller, as his gifts became bigger, and more flowers and even chocolates.

I let the girls have the chocolates, as I don't care much for them. "Maria, you have another one," says Anita, slamming the front door.

The card read the usual, "I hope to see you soon, and if you decide to I'll be waiting in the spot we first met in the woods."

I roll my eyes at the card, and this stuffed animal is a giant, white wolf, same color as my wolf.

"I don't know where this boy is finding all these stuffed animals, but we can't house anymore,unless we build them their own house," Anita says, smirking.

I laugh, "yea, let's build them their own house, with fake food and such," I say with all seriousness. The girls all laugh, "you would to, just to be rid of these," they say.

They all look at me, giving me that look. "Fine, I'll go meet him," I say, shaking my head.

I go to my room and put on a pair of leggings and a sweater. Leaving my room, I make my way outside.

Walking through the woods in human form is alot harder than going through it as my wolf, but I refuse to shift.

Making it through the woods to the spot we met in here. I don't see him anywhere.

I sit down on a log, laying in the grass and wait, it is morning after all and he requested afternoon.

About an hour I to waiting, I hear branches snapping and growls can be heard. Before I know it, I am thrown to the ground as two wolves jump on me.

Ann growls and forces me to shift, shredding my clothes as she does.

The wolves attack us, as Ann tries her best to fight them off. We are soon thrown into a tree, and we shift back to my human form, to weak to stay in wolf form.

The wolves stalk towards me, as I try to stay as close to the tree as possible, making myself as small as possible, even though my injuries hurt like hell.

Suddenly a big black wolf jumps out of nowhere in front of me. Growling, at the wolves that attacked me.

He attacks them, I can't bring myself to watch, as the sounds of their fighting is enough. I hear a body hit the ground, and then another moments later.

Still to scared to look, I keep my eyes closed, waiting for whatever is to come.

Moments later, I hear a whine, and my eyes snap open. What I see, is nothing but a Black wolf looking at me, his golden eyes, hold fear, as he gazes at my wounds.

"Mar....Markus," I say, reaching my hand out, as I remain curled up, hiding my nakedness.

He bounds off, and returns moments later, in shorts and has a shirt in his hands.

"Put this on, and I'll take you to the doctor," he says, concern and worry in his tone. I put the shirt on, with difficulty because every move I make hurts.

Afterwards,he picks me up and runs for the doctors house. I curl my small frame in his arms, and let the darkness that threatened to take over my vision, do so, as I rest my head into his warm chest.


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