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(adj.) cryptic; mysterious

His brown eyes were searching mine so intently, almost as if he couldn't believe that I was standing here. Somehow, I felt awkward, I'd heard that meeting your mate would be the most amazing thing, but he wasn't looking at me with love. His scrunched eyebrows cast a dark shadow over his eyes, while his plump lips were pulled into a frown. I wanted to go near him, experience the touch of my mate, but he was throwing me off with the look of disregard etched onto his face.

"What's your name?" He asked, his deep voice ringing through the room.

Taking a step backward for some reason, I collected myself, "Aspen, and yours?"

He leaned his body against his desk, still staring at me, "Arrax." The air was suffocating me and I wanted nothing more than to leave this room immediately, it was horrible being in here and I felt as if the walls were closing in on me. "You're dismissed, I've told them to get you situated in the packhouse." His indifferent tone affected me, as my heart beat faster by the idea of me standing in front of my mate. He was the sole reason that my parents threw me out, and without being aware, I gave him a sour look. I didn't know how I'd react to finally seeing him, but the thoughts of my parents throwing me out for this, it just didn't sit right with me.

Even though he was ridiculously handsome, it didn't make up for his unimpressed reaction to seeing me. He was an alpha after all and I could never reveal myself to an alpha, it would be suicide. Searching his eyes I looked for even the slightest bit of emotion, but I couldn't even find as much as a sliver of anything. He clearly wanted me out of here, but I wouldn't be some dog he could bark orders at. It was crazy that he even tried to do that, especially since I was his mate.

"So we're not going to talk about the elephant in the room, or?" I asked, with one eyebrow lifted at him in question.

Arrax's eyes scrunched at me in clear frustration. "We're not gonna talk about shit, now leave, I don't want to look at you anymore." His cold words made my wolf howl in pain, but I was strong for both of us. I had to be.

"Hate to break it to you, but I was made specifically for you. If you don't like looking at me, then you and I might have a problem." The humor was evident in my tone.

His eyes raged over and I knew I'd upset the big bad alpha, I didn't really care. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he killed his own mate, so I wasn't scared for my life, not at all. "What about 'leave' do you not understand?" He growled, the sound so sexy my eyes doubled in size.

Getting ahold of myself again, I shook the dirty thoughts away from my mind. "Tough question actually, but I'm glad you asked. If I'm being honest here then it's probably the 'leave' that doesn't quite reach my level of intellect." I couldn't control myself, it was just too easy to get under his skin and I actually enjoyed it.

It had been a while since I could annoy others like this, so I would definitely use this opportunity at hand. It made for a great laugh and if I liked anything, it was a good laugh. I hadn't truly laughed in what felt like years, so maybe these werewolves could be my entertainment for a little while.

As I smirked at Arrax, I heard the door open behind me and the overwhelming smell of alcohol reached my senses, "Well if it isn't my dearest Bill and Paul." I said while turning around. The huge smirk on my lips must've thrown them off, judging by their widened eyes, but I knew that Arrax had ordered them not to ask any questions.

"They'll lead you to the house and I want you to stay there, this is something we have to discuss." Arrax ordered once again, his annoying bossy ass was getting on my nerves for some reason. It was impressive that he was my soulmate, while I couldn't see past my annoyance and sacrifices for him.

"Let's see if you're lucky enough for me to stay then." I threw at him before leaving his office, completely disregarding Bill's attempt at grabbing my arm. I could walk just fine by myself.

The air was suffocating as we left the elevator in the lobby, this building was literally insane, like a fucking hotel. Bill and Paul constantly tried grabbing me, but I used my fast movements to my advantage, and now they'd finally given up. I hated when men grabbed me like that, it was disrespectful and they clearly had no idea how firmly they squeezed.

After some dreadful minutes, we reached what I assumed to be the packhouse. Very cliche with the white bricks and black doors, roses adorned the ground in front of the porch and the rich marble steps to the front doors were very beautiful. Had I cared, I would've been scared to mess things up with my sweaty and gross body, but since Arrax had been an idiot, I would make sure to stamp my feet a little harder.

"This is it, Aspen." Paul introduced as he opened the front door for me. Walking inside, I gaped at the marble themed everything, black, white, grey, you name it. Luckily, Arrax wasn't here to see my flabbergasted reaction to the interior. It was incredibly beautiful. Bill and Paul led me around the house, to the huge living room with approximately 15 feet to the ceiling, to the countless bathrooms with marble countertops.

"We know the marble is a lot, but Alpha wants it like this." Bill explained with a shrug.

Paul slapped him across the head, "You know damn well why Alpha wants marble everywhere, you're a messy ass and constantly manage to ruin all the things you touch. It was literally because of you and here you are saying you don't know why."

Bill seemed shocked that he'd been outed like that, making me laugh, "Well fuck you too Paul, I tried creating a friendship with Aspen without her knowing about that, and here you go again, ruining things for me."

Shaking my head at them, I decided to get on with it. Their bantering kept going in the background as I finally found the stairs. Going up the beautiful flight of stairs, I was shocked to see the shift in design up here. The first floor was adorned with lots of plants and flowers, hiding the doors on both sides.

"Hey, wait up!" They yelled from downstairs and the thumping on the stairs made it known that they were running to get up here.

Every door had a design on the outside, probably showing who lived where. At the end of the hallway, Bill opened a door to what was supposed to be my room. Once again with tall ceilings, the beige colors blended perfectly with silver and I was completely in love. The bed was so huge, bathroom to the side, a walk-in closet. Panorama windows overlooking the forest and I was hooked. This was literally like a dream, not that I would ever admit that to anyone.

"We'll leave you to it, Aspen. Just please don't leave the house, he'll have our throats if you do." Bill joked as they walked towards the door again.

"You guys became much sweeter in the little time I've known you, maybe I'll hang around just to get to know you." I smiled at them, making them salute and leave me alone in my new room. It was true though, from the nervous men in the basement to the confident men walking around in this house, they were still stupid though, but that seemed to be a personality trait.

Quickly locking the door to my room, I threw my clothes off and ran to the bathroom into the beautifully white tiled shower. Letting the water cascade down my body a deep sigh left my lips, it had been so long since I'd showered like this. Rubbing my hair with shampoo and placing my head under the water, I couldn't help the little smile on my face. This was too good to be true.

The serenity hit my body and made me tired, I'd been on the run for so long without a real place to crash, so maybe I'd give myself some days here. Just to recharge and get some food in my system. Deciding on doing just that, I stepped out of the shower, quickly drying off, and found some clean clothes in the walk-in closet, hopefully, this girl wouldn't mind me borrowing some of her clothes. It fit perfectly, I thought, before I threw myself on the soft bed and hid my body underneath the covers.

It didn't take long for sleep to completely reach every fiber of my being, I didn't let it carry me completely away though since I was sleeping in some weird house I'd just arrived at. I had a feeling this was going to be an adventure to remember.

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