Chapter Twenty-Three

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Sorry it took so long to update! I'm thinking of starting a weekly update schedule so it's not too overwhelming, and I can write chapters in advance when I'm not able to write. Also when the book is complete I'm going to remove all the A/Ns. Anyway, enjoy the next chapter!


You opened your eyes, still feeling sleepy. Shoto was gently shaking your shoulder, quietly calling your name. You sat up.

"Hm...? Oh, thanks... I  didn't mean to fall asleep."

"It's okay. I wouldn't have woken you up, except the matches start in five minutes. My match is first, and I didn't want to leave you undefended..."

You smiled, waving your hand.

"Nah, I want to watch your game anyway. I'm going to cheer you on!"

You grinned, smirking at the light blush slowly emerging on Shoto's face. You were noticing his little experiments, and now you were sure - Shoto was exploring his relationship with you, and you could have some fun messing with him.

"Um... Thanks. We better go."


Shoto looked slightly nervous as he stood before the entrance. You knew he was determined - and you knew he could win the whole contest. Well, come second to you at least. You smiled.

"Don't worry, Shoto - I know you can do it!"

He nodded, looking set. You quickly moved forward, kissing his cheek lightly, before running away and waving. It was entertaining to see that he was now heavily blushing and trying to cover it up. You would be if you hadn't bolted it straight away. However, you quickly squeezed to the front of the viewing area. All that was left now to do was to hope - you'd given him motivation, and you were ready to cheer him on.

Ochaco walked over to you, grinning. You smiled, waving, your fists clenched on the barrier. You were anxious for him - and he was most likely panicking - but you knew he could win. He walked out, looking fierce and ready. His opponent walked up to the stage.

"Aaaaaaaaaaand we're back! Welcome to the first match of the one-on-one matches! We have Todoroki vs Kendo! Everyone get ready..."

You gritted your teeth in anticipation. Shoto noticed you, and nodded, a fiery look. You smiled,  nodding back. 


A chill hit the audience. You jumped back as an iceberg shot up, inches from your face. You gasped as you ran around it, realising Shoto had won the match within seconds. Kendo was frozen, her face sticking out. Present Mic yelled out.

"And Shoto Todoroki won the match, within seconds! Better luck next time, Kendo... Shoto moves on to the next round! Congratulations! Next up, we have Hitoshi Vs Tetsutetsu. Please get ready for your matches!"

You sighed in relief - Shoto had won by a landslide. Why had you even been nervous? However, you knew your match would be more complicated than that. You were up against the gunner from earlier - you'd have to work hard to block all of his shots else you were going to be at a disadvantage. For now, all you had to do was congratulate Shoto until your round.

You jogged down, smiling, as Shoto left the centre after clearing up all the ice. You subtly absorbed some of the water for later on during your battle. Shoto noticed you, a small and delicate blush appearing, as he walked over to you. You grinned, putting up a hand to high-five him. He looked at your hand cautiously, before returning the gesture. 

Soon, you stood ready - standing in the tunnel, about to go into your first match. You were ready - you were going to win.

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