Chapter Fifteen

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The mall was enormous. There were clothes stores and restaurants as far as the eye could see. You looked surprised as Mina squealed.

"OMIGOSH! (Y/N), you have to try that dress on."

You felt yourself being dragged towards a clothes store nearby. In the window was a black sleeveless dress, tied around the neck. It came down to just above the knees, and was accompanied by a pair of delicate-looking black heels. Mina shoved you into the changing booth, handing the outift to you. You sighed, letting the soft fabric brush against your hands. You were hoping to be able to just buy some new clothes... you should have known better.

Three hours of later, you found yourself staggering with bags of clothes. Luckily, you had brought a lot of money with you - or perhaps unluckily, because there was a lot of temptation with a purse full of yen. You sighed as everyone settled down at a coffee table. You ordered a hot chocolate, and smiled at the plump marshmallows melting in it. Everyone seemed tired, except for Mina, who was still chattering incessantly. Even Momo was still trying to look enthusiastic, but it wasn't working. She was also carrying several bags.

You stretched, before letting the sweet drink pass through your lips. As you looked out the window at the shoppers dashing around, you found yourself thinking of Shoto. You had spent most of your time with him lately - it was odd not to have his presence around you. You found yourself blushing at the thought of him. You shook your head, and turned to Ochaco to start a conversation. She was enthusiastically telling you about an All Might key ring she had bought for Izuku. This made you think - should you get something for Shoto? Isn't that what friends do?

So, when you left the cafe for some more browsing, you kept an eye out for a present for Shoto. You hadn't been looking for long when you noticed a soft, pale-blue scarf. You instantly grabbed it, not paying attention to the excessive price. Mina pouted.

"I'm not sure if that'll suit you, (Y/N)..."

You smiled at the scarf before replying.

"It definitely would not. It is not for me."

Mina looked at you, puzzled, as all of you headed to the till. Ochaco seemed to be having fun - you had given her a hefty allowance for the day, and she was enjoying being able to buy so many things. You felt bad for Ochaco - the reason she joined U.A. was kind of sad. She had told you about how people used to tease her about it. How could anyone be unkind to such an innocent girl? You put the scarf in a little box, and the girls and you walked out. 

The day stretched on, until finally, everyone decided to head back to the dorms. Your arms were aching from the weight of the bags you were carrying. Finally, all of you made it back to the dorms. You unpacked, keeping the box with Shoto's present with you. However, you were disappointed as you realised he wasn't in the common room. Still...

You decided to cook something - the burger at the mall was great, but you were craving something healthier now. You settled for pasta and meatballs, and just as you finished cooking, you noticed Shoto walk in to the half-full room. You picked up the food, and grabbed the present in your other hand. Shoto waved in greeting, before you blushingly handed him the present. 

"What's this?"

"I went to the mall today with the girls, so I thought I'd get you something."

He raised an eyebrow, before gently removing the ribbon and opening the box. You sat on the couch right next to him, as he took out the fluffy blue scarf. You noticed that he blushed a little.

"Thank you."

"It was nothing. I thought it would suit you, so..."

He nodded, wrapping the scarf around his neck. You thought it was odd, since you were indoors, but didn't question it. You began to eat your pasta, and read Midnight again. You almost spat out your pasta when you read that the protagonist gave a scarf to her crush. Had Shoto gotten to that part yet? You brushed it off easily... For some reason, you felt happy for the rest of the evening. So did Shoto - for it wasn't just the thrill of a gift, but of the girl gave it to him.


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