Chapter Eighteen

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You stood inside the tunnel, looking out into the arena. Before, you had felt so confident - but now, you were very nervous. You heard Present Mic call out.

"And now... We welcome 2-A, the hero class who have done more than proved themselves! And this year, a new student, (F/N) (L/N)!"

Cheers rang out from the audience as you all stepped out. So many eyes watching you, the intensity of their gaze and cheers increasing your nervousness. Aizawa sat in the front row, carefully watching his class. You also saw other classes in the other tunnels, rearing to go. A few were nervous, others looked excited. Two students stuck out however - a blonde-haired boy from 2-B who seemed to be mad, and another one from a different course who looked like he handn't slept for days. The latter didn't seem to care about the festival, but there was a light in the darkness of his eyes - he was determined. 

Suddenly, Present Mic started to talk again.

"Well, you all voted, and this year's speech is going to be given by... Katsuki Bakugo!"

Mina looked disappointed, yet she had told you that she didn't want to do the speech before... You soon found out why Mina looked so frustrated. Bakugo stepped up on the stage, looking unamused. 

"I'm already at the top for popularity - won't be long till I'm the best at everything. I'm retaining my crown as the winner today, and no one is going to stop me."

You heard Kirishima mutter quietly behind you. 

"At least it's better than last year's..."

You made a mental note to rewatch last year's festival. It would be entertaining at least. Once Bakugo had returned to the rest of the class, the R-rated hero Midnight came up onto the stage in front of a big wheel.

"All rrrrrright everyone! Let's see what event is going first. Looks like its going to be..."

Midnight spun the wheel so fast it was dizzying. However, it quickly slowed down, landing on a rose coloured triangle. 

"Capture! Well, this is an interesting one. Pull the lever, Present Mic!"

"Youuuuuuu've got it!"

Suddenly, you felt the ground rumble. Everyone standing stumbled for a moment, as tall towers and cliffs arose from the ground. Suddenly, you noticed small circular discs speeding across the ground. You shivered as  they reminded you of the hallucination robots - luckily, these seemed to be of a different nature. These were faster, and you stepped by as one came whizzing past. You were handed a bag by a helper, before Midnight continued.

"By now, you've probably guessed the task. All you've got to do is catch as many of these little things as you can! But, if the drone sustains any kind of damage, then you don't get the point! The moment the counter starts counting down, you can start moving, but only when it reaches zero can you start catching them and using any abilities. The thirty-two highest scorers move onto the next round - so everyone be ready!"

You watched the counter intently. Any moment, it would start counting down. Then you could start your plan. Adrenaline rushed through you as you looked at your surroundings. All you needed was somewhere you could place a net-like structure to catch them without damaging them. And then, just as the counter started, you saw it.


You ran, standing in between two boulders.


You noticed Shoto had closed his eyes in concentration.


He'd be able to catch loads instantly.


You lifted up your foot as they started to get faster.


Wait, what was that red bulb on its front?


They couldn't be...


Another drone whizzed by, and you had confirmed your suspicion.


Which means Shoto's plan wouldn't work.


And yet you really wanted to compete with him...


Well, no time for regrets now.


With a swish of her whip, she gave the signal, the machines whirred into life, zooming faster than the eye could see and shooting heat lasers.

You were in for some trouble.

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