Ch 15 - Settling Papa

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

The next morning found Rosannah pacing the hall with excitement as she awaited the return of the coach bringing her beloved new Papa. It was fair scandalous that she call him that, but she truly felt he had earned the right to the endearment, and she had loved the way his eyes sparkled last night even as he told her she should not.

Henry had said if it made her happy, he did not care a jot for what the gossips would say. When she had fretted it might be too cruel to her own father he had exploded with rage, furious that she would put any care towards the Baron's pride and practically demanded that she call Maestro, Papa.

And who was she to refuse her husband's wishes?

He had gone out this morning as soon as they arose but assured his return for lunch. She had spent the morning preparing a suite of rooms for her Papa. Henry had advised her on which ones were the most suitable and as soon as she stepped inside she had discovered a set of splendid rooms that proved to her he was serious about considering the Maestro as real family.

They had surprised Jameson and Mrs Swift when he announced the new, permanent addition to the household and Rosannah had been amused by their stunned faces. Despite the shock, Mrs Swift was most helpful getting the rooms ready which made things much easier, especially as she knew all the resources in the house and was able to suggest things that Rosannah had not thought of.

The result was a set of three rooms; one for sleeping, a sitting room which would hopefully house a piano of his own once more, he had been forced to sell the last one to fund his journey home, but would also be used for entertaining if he should so wish. The last room was suitable for dining in, for when he wished to spend time alone as Rosannah knew he would. He had lived alone for a long time.

There was enough furniture in the rooms to be comfortable and enough space to fill with his own trinkets. She did not know how long he would live with them, but he would always have these rooms as his own.

The sound of horse hooves on the cobblestones caught her attention and she ran to the window and sure enough saw him disembarking from the carriage, looking up at the house before him in awe.

Jameson opened the front door and she stood waiting for him to be announced. As soon as the door opened, she ran to him and gave him another embrace. She really had missed him so much and last night's short conversation had not been enough to satisfy her.

"Papa," she cried happily, before Jameson had time to announce him. She glanced at the butler who was turning his own peculiar shade of red. She giggled inwardly and called to him before he could exit the room.

"Jameson, you obviously have met Maestro. He is family to me and should be treated accordingly by all the staff. Please make sure you all introduce yourselves to him, he loves meeting new people do you not Papa?"

"Yes indeed," Maestro looked to Jameson with a twinkle in his eye. "You must be a good man if my Leetle One does not fumble 'er words wiz you." He held his hand out to Jameson who took it in shock.

"Yes, ahem, well welcome to the household Maestro." Jameson blushed at the compliment and Rosannah laughed gently.

"Thank you Jameson, will you please have some tea brought through? And some of Cook's sweets? Papa, I know you will love them."

She practically dragged him to the sofa and sat him down, sitting next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder. Her arm threaded through his so tightly she feared his hand would numb, but she could not bring herself to let go.

"Oh Papa, I am glad you are home. I truly missed you," she breathed out and tucked her feet under her to lean into his side more.

"I loved receiving your letters, I read and re-read them, it was almost as if I as in Italy with you. But it was not the same as having you here and seeing you most every day."

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