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24| Take your hands off him before I break them

"I forgot how much I hated school," I said as I walked in through the front doors.

Aria laughed before looping her arm around my shoulders. "Sure, you could face down a huge room full of pissed off ghosts but definitely not High School," she joked.

I narrowed my eyes at her. Having had filled Aria in on my epic journey to ghost world, she seemed to have gained a lot more respect for me, even though I hadn't earned it.

"Those pissed off ghosts weren't that scary, high school however, is full of assholes" I replied.

Aria chuckled before sighing. "It's such a shame that Luke is related to that bitch," she said, making me roll my eyes.

"Oh my god, Reena!" Aria exclaimed, making me jump.

I turned to look at her. "What?" I asked confused.

"I can see him!" She exclaimed.

I followed her eyesight and my heart stopped. Loki had walked into the corridor, looking uncomfortable at the girls who stared at him.

Loki was here. "Come on!" Aria exclaimed, grabbing my arm and pulling me forward.

Luke saw us first and waved as we neared. "What's up weird one and weird two," he greeted us.

I didn't even reply just smiled at Loki who seemed to relax when I neared him. "What are you doing here?" I asked, looking from him to Luke.

"I sorta told dad that he was an orphan and that I wanted a brother so dad was like, yeah why the hell not and sent us to school," Luke replied, shrugging one shoulder.

I widened my eyes. "Your father just let some random guy he doesn't know into his family?" Aria asked, confused.

Luke nodded.

"Wicked" Aria replied.

I felt a hand touch mine and Loki entwined our fingers. "Luke!" A drawling, high pitched voice called out.

Aria winced, as she moved to the side. "Brother dear, why do you surround yourself with losers?" Makayla asked as she walked towards us.

"They're not losers, they're actually quite cool," Luke replied as his sister pushed his way next to him.

"Losers, all of them, except this handsome one," Makayla said as she touched Loki's shoulder.

He shifted away from her but she dug her nails into his arm. "You should come hang out with me, it'd be lots of fun," she said sweetly.

I narrowed my eyes. "Take your hands off him before I break them off," I snapped.

She turned her attention to me. "You're still the new girl, I'd be careful what you say to me, I could tell my father and well, I'd hate to see the repercussions on your father" Makayla threatened lowly.

"What did you just say to me?" I asked, starting forward.

Loki pulled me back, placing an arm around my waist. "You should go," he said calmly to Makayla.

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