Mr. Tutor

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Making my way to my math class, I felt really dejected now. Knocking on the door, it then opened to Mr. Roach. He had an irritated look on his face until he saw me.

"Oh Melissa, we were waiting for you."

He opened the door letting me in, and there was a guy sitting on a desk. He looked over his shoulder, and I was staring into bored blue eyes. No freaking way, he raised an eyebrow looking at me up and down. He then spun around jumping off the desk walking to me. Staring at him for a moment, a lazy grin formed on his face.



Mr. Roach then put his hand on my shoulder, and I glanced at him.

"Melissa this is the student I was talking about, this is Zach. He will be your tutor."

Staring back at this guy name Zach, he had shoved his hands in his pockets. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but really Zach doesn't seem like the kind of guy who studies. Mr. Roach then moved over toward Zach. At that moment, I took the time to take him in. He had curly dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, both his ears were pierced. He had to be at least six foot two or something. Just the way he stood, it made him seem like a badass.

"Ok, Zach I'll leave her in your hands."

Snapping out of it, Mr. Roach had handed Zach a key, and grabbed his stuff and left. Looking back at Zach, he had sat back on a desk facing me. We stared at each other quietly, until he cocked his head to the side.

"So Melissa, wasn't it?"


"I would never have guess you would be bad at school."

Pouting a little, I crossed my arms staring at him.

"Well, I never would have thought you'd be good at school."

He looked at me shocked, and so did I. Where did that confidence come from, and he busted out laughing.

"Ok, Ok you got me there."

He jumped off the desk, walking toward me.

"Come on."

He walked past me and I turned around quickly.

" Where are you going?"


I stared at him shocked, and he flicked off the light. I gasp leaving out the room, and he locked the door walking down the hall.

"Wait, I thought you were going to tutor me."

"I am."

He called from around the corner, and I moved running to catch up. He went in the office dropping off the key and I stood there waiting. He came back and looked at me, before walking around me. I was getting irritated, moving I stopped in front of him. He stopped staring at me.

" If you're going to tutor me, why are you going home?"

"I'm hungry."

I stared at him dumbfounded, and he stepped closer to me.

"Now you want to learn math right?"

"Yeah, then stop asking stupid questions and follow me."

He moved walking around me, and I turned my head staring blankly, before doing as he said and followed him. He led me outside, and there was a car waiting. He was serious about going home, and I halted. I can't just go to his house can I?

He looked at me over his shoulder and motioned me to come. Frowning at him, he rolled his eyes at me.

"Come on Melissa, do you want me to tutor you or not?"

"I do..."

"Then come get in the car."


"No buts, it's either you're coming or not."

He stared at me for a minute, and when I didn't move he turned leaving. Damn it.

"Wait Zach."

He stopped staring at me, and I ran to him.

"You'll take me home afterwards, right?"


Fidgeting a little, I stared at the car and took a deep breath.

"Ok, I'll go."

He smirked at me and pulled me toward the car. I don't know why, but for some reason, I felt like I just agreed to sell my soul to the devil.

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