Being Selfish part 3

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When Mrs. Matthews and Tiff brought me upstairs, I had no idea what they were going to do to me. I however, soon found out about the Matthews' pampering. I was taken to this big bathroom, which had a tub that was full of bubbles. Once I was stripped and put into the tub, I learned that the tub had jets in it. I don't know how long I just sat in the tub enjoying the feeling of the water swirling around me, until there was a knock on the door.

"Melissa can I come in?"


Slowly sinking down in the tub until the water was up to my chin, I glanced as Tiff came in the bathroom. She came with a towel over her shoulder, and she smirked closing the door behind her.

"I'm going to be the one who does your hair."

"Um... ok."

Walking through the bathroom, she got the shampoo, and walked back toward me.

"Sit up for me."

Slowly sitting up, I could feel my cheeks turning red.

"Don't be shy, we're both girls here."

She soon squirted the shampoo on my hair, and started massaging it. Leaning back, I closed my eyes for a moment, before rinsing it out. After my hair was washed, I got out the tub, and dried off putting the matching white underclothes on. Wrapping the towel around me, I peeked out the door, and Tiff was sitting on the bed. Smiling, she stood up motioning me to come out. Walking over to her, she put me in a chair, and started doing my hair.

Once Tiff had finished doing my hair, which looked pretty amazing. She straightened it, before giving me a side braid that went around, and tied it with a white ribbon. Mrs. Matthews then came back, and gave me a smile. Holding out a bag, I gripped my towel, before reaching for it, and looking inside. It was a dress and a pair of flats. Taking the dress out, I stared at it for a moment. It was a white strapless dress with a black ribbon around the middle. Slowly lifting my head, I stared at Mrs. Matthews in shock.

"This must have cost so much."

"Oh honey don't worry about the price, now go try it on."

She folded her arms, and I knew that there was no way she was going to take no for an answer. Walking back in the bathroom, I dropped the towel, before slipping the dress on. Staring at myself in the mirror, I have to say I look pretty. The dress stops right over my knees, and I slipped on the little black flats. Taking a breath, I went out of the bathroom, and stared at them in weary.

"So what do you think?"

Both of their eyes widen for a moment, before Mrs. Matthews smiled coming over, and taking my hands.

"You look so beautiful, Melissa."



Looking at Tiff, she smiled nodding her head. I could feel my cheeks turning red, when there was a knock on the door.

"How much longer are you going to keep her?"

"Hold your horses Zach."

I could hear a groan from behind the door, before footsteps were heard leaving the door.

"I guess that's our cue to go Mom."

"I guess your right."

She let my hands go, before turning, and walking to the door.

"Now Melissa, I want you to count to ten, and then come down."

Cocking my head confused, she gave me a smile, and I nodded my head. Slowly walking to the bed, and sat down.

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