Being Selfish part 4

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After Dad and Aunt Cali arrived it seemed everything started. Music started playing, and people started eating. I introduced Dad to Zach's Mom, and then went to the table sitting down, for a moment. I just couldn't stop the smile on my face, as I looked at everyone. Zach has really outdone himself, like I really wasn't expecting something like this. He soon plopped down beside me, and I smiled up at him. Wrapping his arm around my waist, I leaned against him, and he kissed the side of my head.

"Having fun?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Good the cake is coming out soon."

"Oh OK."

Sitting there quietly for a moment, I just couldn't take the smile off my face. It feels so unreal since I haven't had a party like this since my mom had died. Turning I pressed my face into the side of Zach.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just happy."

He squeezed me for a second, before kissing my cheek.

"Good it's my job to see that you are happy."

A giggle fell from my lips, and I lifted up my head to him.

"Well I guess your doing a pretty good job at it."

He smirked, and the music was then turned down. Glancing around, I saw Mrs. Matthews walking over with a cake in her hands. Smiling, everyone else came over as the cake was set in front of me.

"Ok everyone let's sing happy birthday to Melissa."

Glancing around, everyone soon started to sing.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Melissa, happy birthday to you

Staring at the vanilla cake in front of me and the candles in awe.

"Make a wish."

Zach whispered in my ear, and I took a deep breath blowing the candles out. Everyone then clapped, and the cake was cut. The first big piece was set in front of me, and I took a bite. A moan fell from my mouth. It was so good, and a chuckle came beside me.

"You still moan from cake huh."

Glancing at Zach, he smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

They put the music back on, and some people even brought me gifts. Like Derek got me this jar of airheads with a ribbon around it.

"Airheads for our little airhead."

"Who's an airhead?"

Giving him a little pout, he laughed walking around. Aunt Cali then came over with a gift, and I smiled taking it.

"Thanks Aunt Cali."

"Don't thank me until you open it."

Staring down, I slowly opened it and my eyes widen.

"A new cellphone... Oh my god thank you."

Putting it on the table, I turned around giving her a hug. Toward when everyone else was leaving Marie then ran up to me, and gave me a present.

"I didn't know what you would like, but I hope you like this."

Looking in the bag, it was all different kinds of lip gloss."

"Marie you didn't have to get me something, but thank you."

Giving her a hug, I then waved as she left. Most people had left, and only Zach, Tiffany, and William was here. I wonder where Mrs.Matthews went, but more important where is Zach. Slowly going into the house, I met Tiffany in the kitchen.

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