Aden's Pov

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                         2 years ago

"Peach where did you go off to, I called out?"

"In here Aden. I think Aurora has a little cold. I'm just keeping an eye on her, she said."

"Where are the boys, I thought I heard them down here, I asked?"

"They were down here. Can you take our daughter while I find them, she asked."

"Of course Peach. Bring her to me, I said."

As Peach was walking, over to me, I noticed 🍫🍑  was getting thick. Mmmmm.... I want to 👅 taste her and f**k another baby into her.

"Damn Peach has it been a month yet? I need to feel you, I said."

"Baby Aurora is only 11 days old, she said."

"Peach can yo..., I was cut off by her."

"Aden I will not suck your dick. So quit asking, she said while placing Aurora in my lap."

Peach walked off, to find the boys. I was just sitting admiring my daughter.

"Your so pretty just like your mother. You look just like Luke when he was little too. I wish you were my daughter, I said the last part quietly."

I was feeling kind of down. My peach betrayed me. How could she have his baby. I needed to get away to think. I love little Aurora and have no doubt that I'd treat her like my own.

Peach walked in with the boys.

"Daddy, my boys screamed in unison."

I held Rora in one hand and hugged my boys in the other.

"Peach I have a business trip and leave in a few days. I meant to tell you sooner, I cautiously look at her."

"Aden how long are you leaving, she whined."

"Peach don't do that. You know I love you. I just have to handle somethings. It will just take a week, I said."

"Just a week, she said crying. That's too long I need you here, she said."

I cradled little Rora in my arm and pulled her close and kissed her.

"I wish I could make love to you right now, I told her. Feel this, I took her hand and made it touch my anaconda. You do this to me Peach, only you, I said."

She smiled and melted into me.

"Peach don't worry I will have your parents stay here. They will stay in the guestroom and help you with our children. Don't worry I will come back as soon as I can, I said."

Today was the day I leave for a week to think. Or go on a business trip, which is what Peach thinks.

I got up and showered. I kissed my wife on the forehead before I went to the bathroom. I did Jack off. I hate waiting so long after childbirth. I needed to be in her, not doing this.

Once I finished I walked into my walk in closet and put on my fitted Armani dress shirt and slacks. I sprayed my Armani cologne on and walked into the bedroom.

"When did you wake up, I asked Peach?"

"Aurora's sick I can't bring her temp down, she said sadly."

"She will be fine. If anything, you can go to the hospital just to make sure she is ok, I told her."

I kissed both of my girls forehead and told Peach I had to go. I went into my boys room and kissed their foreheads too.

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