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'I can't believe that they are making me take the class with the babies,' Brody huffed out, walking slowly through the forest. Nate kept slow with his mates pace, even though their class, Kayden included, was a little ahead of them.

Nate looked like he was about to speak, but Brody cut him off. 'Oh and I have to sit and watch everyone else learn. Why even is that? To taunt me?

'I think that it was so that you could learn from us too. Even by watching, I'm sure you could gain some insight in the upper levels.'

Brody rolled his eyes. 'I was allowed in every other class, even actual combat classes!'

'Those are simpler, we can all control ourselves better. Wolf combat can get dangerous.'

Brody responded with rolling his eyes again, 'You think I would have been so bad at it that I would have gotten hurt?'

Nate nudged his mate with his shoulder. 'No, I don't, but I know that you don't want to, but it's probably for the best. Throwing you into the seniors class would probably not be as good as starting from the real beginning,' Nate offered gently.

Brody turned to Nate in annoyance, 'You were the one who told me that I was going to do great!'

Nate seemed to just become calmer with every word, 'And you would have, but this way you can start with people on your own level and I'm sure that you'll enjoy it.'

Brody kept his head down, walking a little slower, if that was even possible. 'Everyone already looks down on me, and now they have even more reason to. I'll be training with fifteen year olds.' Brody hated the idea of training with the youngest wolves here. He had to be strong and powerful if he wanted to run his pack to the best of his abilities, and it frustrated him that he would only be trained in wolf combat at the level of a fifteen year old when he graduated. 'I can't protect my pack like my brother would have if I can only fight like a child. I am not a child.'

Nate stopped walking, causing Brody to turn his gaze to his mate. Nate quickly grabbed Brody by the arm and dragged him behind one of the larger trees. Brody was surprised and his eyes widened at his mate. Before Brody could ask why they were suddenly hiding, Nate pressed his lips to Brody's without warning.

The kiss was short and sweet, Brody falling into the press of Nate's soft lips. Nate pulled back, both of his hands resting against his mate's cheeks.

'Brody, your Alpha side is showing.'

Brody smirked and bit at his lip, 'Yeah, sorry.'

Nate just shrugged, 'I know that you don't want to be treated like a child, and you don't want to depend on anybody, I know that, but this is really what is best. I'll even teach you myself in our free time too, that way you can get even better,' Nate offered. 'So, don't even think for one moment that you will disappoint your pack.'

Brody was suddenly thankful that he had been blessed with such an emotionally stable mate. 'You would do that?' Brody asked, touched that Nate would do that for him.

'I think I can give up a few hours of my precious time to tackle my mate in the woods,' Nate winked.

Brody laughed, 'But, there's restrictions, we can't just transform in the woods.'

Nate didn't seem fazed in the slightest, 'I'll make it happen, don't worry about it,' he told his mate, not breaking their eye contact.

Brody could feel his body calming, somewhat from the knowledge that he would be able to get up to speed with the whole wolf combat thing, but mostly from just the close proximity to his mate. 'We should go, anyway, at least I get to watch my mate all hot and sweaty.'

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