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Brody slung his gym back over his shoulder just as he walked out of the large double doors which opened from the gym into the gardens. A footpath was laid out in front of him, and he walked along it slowly, feeling the cool breeze as it hit his previously sweat stained skin. It was the first time that he had gone to the gym of his free will since the incident with the window, and he sure as hell made sure that he didn’t even touch a free weight.

He looked up as he walked, but he knew what he would see in the moment just before he saw him. The connection told him that Nate was there, and when his eyes finally found what they were looking for, they weren’t disappointed.

Nate was standing amongst the trees, his green shirt and black pants almost allowing him to blend into his surroundings. The wind was a god send in Brody’s opinion, since Nate’s dark brown hair was blowing around his face in the wind. Brody was seconds away from just running over to Nate and pressing his lips to his mate’s, the memory of their last kiss lingering at the forefront of his mind.

He stopped himself from doing just that, knowing that the implications would be too much. A simple kiss could change everything in their lives, and Brody wasn’t going to allow them to be put into any danger of losing their futures.

He kept his pace painfully slow as he walked up to Nate, and as he got closer he was able to make out the two other people standing next to him. These two guys were the last people that Brody wanted to see with his mate, and yet there they were, Nate, Jace and Tye all talking.

Brody suddenly felt a protective urge rise up in his chest at the image, and he had to forcefully push it down. He knew that Jace and Tye would never hurt Nate, but that didn’t stop the feeling from persevering, regardless of rationality.

Nate’s gaze shifted and their eyes met. Brody looked at him blankly, not sure what to do. Did Nate want him to come over and what, hang out with the two guys who had tormented him for weeks? Brody sighed at his own immaturity, if they were Nate’s friends then he would put up with them. Only for Nate.

Nate responded with a bright smile, and to Brody’s relief, the three boys parted ways, and Nate started to walk over to Brody alone.

Brody smiled at this, taking a seat on the closest bench and swinging his gym bag onto the ground next to the chair. Nate joined him only seconds later, plopping down on the chair with his thigh pressed against Brody’s. It was a small move and a small touch, but little sparks ran up and down Brody’s clothed skin at the simple action and it made Brody smile for a second. The close proximity to his mate send relaxing feelings through Brody, knowing that his mate was safe beside him and not around Tye and Jace, also made Brody feel better.

‘Have fun working out?’ Nate asked.

‘Yeah, have fun with Tye and Jace?’ Brody asked pointedly.

Nate shrugged, ‘They wanted to apologise for what they said the other day.’

‘Did they now?’ Brody asked, sounding not too sure of their intentions.

Nate nudged Brody with his shoulder, his arm lingering against Brody’s skin for a few seconds, ‘Just forget about them. From the sounds of it, we shouldn’t be having any trouble with them from now on, and as far as I can see, that is nothing but good for us.’

Brody was still suspicious of their apparent change of heart, especially since they were apologising to Nate and not himself, but Brody guessed that guys like that weren’t going to be eager to apologise to someone that they didn’t respect, and Brody knew damn well that those two had no respect for him. Nate seemed to believe it thought, and so Brody nodded, ‘You’re right.’

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