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Brody had never given much thought to his mate, not since he had the entire fate of his pack thrust upon him unexpectedly. He had been focusing on his pack, on learning more, on worrying about his future as a leader. The last thoughts on his mind were about his future mate, that one person that was supposed to be made for you, that was supposed to complete you, that one person that would give meaning to your life. He did not, not even once, imagine that he would be standing face-to-face with his mate while at Alpha camp.

We can't be mates, he kept telling himself, there's no way, there's no way that we are mates.

Brody stared up at Nate with wide, shocked eyes. He couldn't wrap his mind around the idea, and yet the thought of mate, mate, mate, was swimming around his mind and clouding every thought in his head.

His mate was supposed to be a petite brunette omega or maybe even a blonde beta who would be nice and kind, if he was lucky. His mate definitely wasn't supposed to be his very, very male best friend, who was also very much another Alpha.

He watched in confusion as Nate's shocked expression dropped off his face after a few seconds, being replaced by a wide smile. Brody wondered if Nate had gone crazy, why was he happy about this? This wasn't right, this must be a mistake. Brody didn't understand how this was even possible. There were no mistakes when it came to mates, not that he knew of anyway. It felt as if he was in a dream, a dream of some alternate reality where things were different, and if that was true then maybe a smile would have also graced Brody's lips at that exact moment, but it didn't. Brody's expression was the opposite of a smile, there was no happiness in his expression.

Nate spoke, 'I can't believe it,' His words weren't confused and shocked like Brody's would have been if he had been the one to say the words, instead, Nate's voice was filled with an almost wonder.

Brody just looked at him with wide emerald eyes.

'You feel it, don't you?' Nate smiled that thousand watt smile as he spoke. Nate seemed to be so wrapped up in his own head that he didn't even realise that Brody wasn't sharing his same enthusiasm for this apparent mate match.

Brody nodded tentatively. He felt it, he felt the connection the instant that their eyes met. It was so thick and real that the connection between them was almost like a tangible thing that joined them together. Brody's entire body was screaming at him to reach out and to touch Nate, wanting to feel the sparks that he had been told he would feel. To feel that connection between them deepen.

Nate seemed to have the same feelings, as Brody was suddenly wrapped inside of two large, muscular arms. Nate pressed their bodies together, bringing his head down to rest against the nook created where Brody's shoulder and collarbone met.

The stench of alcohol automatically flooded Brody's senses and he scrunched up his nose for an instant before the real scent of Nate hit him. He was suddenly able to smell Nate much more clearly than he ever had. Usually Nate smelt like, well, Nate, a scent unique to him, but now Nate smelled like so much more. He smelt like the most delicious blend of musk and flowery scents, and Brody felt at home surrounded by the beautiful smell. Nate seemed to have rediscovered Brody's scent also, with the way that he was sniffing Brody's neck.

Everywhere that Nate touched seemed to produce little sparks that instantly calmed Brody, and he felt utterly relaxed and safe in his hold. This scared Brody more, and he felt as if he had to fight against the calmness because it wasn't right.

But it is right, Brody thought, it's the most right thing that you have felt in your life.

Yet he pulled back, pushing Nate away from him, and taking a step back. He did it gently, he didn't want to hurt his friend's feelings, but there must have been a mistake. There was no other explanation.

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