One Day. Two Day. Three Day. Four

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Flipping through the magazine and frown. "I want to go outside," I say in a frustrated tone towards Rocky.

He turns to face me. "Okay," He says.

I watch him in confusion. "Okay?"

He nods. "Okay."

He wasn't okay with it a few days ago. He insisted I sit in the wheelchair as he lugged me around. I wasn't pleased at the time but I know it's because he was concerned.

Rocky shuts his laptop screen and walks over to me. He grabs my wrist and extends my arm around his back as he lifts me.

I smile and then quickly wipe it off. "I'm fine, you know."

He nods. "I know."

"Well I can walk on my own," I tell him.

"I never said you couldn't," he says before sighing and rubbing his face. "Are you not happy anymore?"

The question takes me by surprise and I freeze in his arms.

He turns me to face him. "Ever since I've brought you back from the hospital, you've been cold," he says in disappointment.

"I know I let you down. I know I didn't get to you in time," he says grabbing my face. "But trust me when I say that I did everything I could. I would rather die than let anything happen to you."

My mouth suddenly feels dry and I have nothing to say.

"Daniella practically handed herself over to them in order to save you," he says now on his knees and I'm down on the ground with him. His tears finally escape but he makes no effort of hiding them. "We're a family, Sky. All of us."

I'm not...not for long anyways.

I think of the contract. There isn't much time left now.


*2 weeks later*

I stand by the kitchen door, a surprised look on my face as I watch Rocky frost a cake.

"You don't have to look so surprised, you know," I hear his voice say while he has his back to me.

"What," I say shaking my head.

Rocky puts the piping bag down on the kitchen bench and faces me. "Your mouth was wide open."

"Was not," I tell him as I take several steps forward.

He turns his back to me and grabs the piping bag and continues piping the frosting on the cake. "Whatever," He says.

Rocky has let me sleep in our bedroom and he has taken a guest bedroom. It has been that way for the past two weeks. I hate it but at the same time think it's the best thing for us. I'm not about to sign myself up for more pain than I have already experienced by falling head over heels for a man only to be thrown out after a six month contract is over.


*Rocky's Perspective*

Liam holds the folder to me and I sign the documents and hand them back. "I won't be in for the next four days."

Liam opens his mouth to say something but then hesitated and merely nods.

I sigh. "Out with it."

Liam looks at me and then at the floor. "I know it's not my place but have you cleared things with Sky."

I frown. I haven't. I have tried but nothing has worked. She's been distant ever since she came back from the hospital. I know she was expecting for me to save her but I failed. I may have saved her but how could I have let them harm her.

"I've tried everything."

Liam steps forward. "Have you tried telling her that you ripped the contract. That it was never a legally bound contract."

"That has nothing to do with this. It's not like that'll put a smile on her face and solve whatever bitterness she's feeling my way."

"You should try it," Liam says clearing his throat. "I'm no expert but I think that's what Sky needs to know."

"What," I say. "Tell her that there is no contract so she can technically leave whenever she wants. With the state of things, she'll pack her bags and leave immediately. It'll be a relief for her."

"She might want to know that she isn't really your wife."

"You're killing me, Liam," I tell him. "Why are you trying to find ways to end my marriage."

This time Liam frowns. "Think about it," he says before excusing himself.

My mind spins. Part of me feels regret that I didn't get a lawyer and make the contract a legal contract. Although deep down I know that it was wrong. I was hoping she'd understand my feelings for her and that she'd fall for me. How terribly wrong I was.

I could never trap her in a contract but I could never lose her either. My mind spins to thoughts on what I would do if she had found another man. What would be the conclusion?

A knock on the door draws my attention. It's Sky.

The door slides open at a forty five degree angle and Sky dips her head in. "Can we talk?"

I nod, waving my hand over to the couch.

She takes a few steps forward but doesn't go to the couch. She merely stares at me for a few seconds and then fidgets with the corner of her skirt.

"My mum isn't feeling too well," she says. "I thought I could stay the week with my parents."

I nod. "You don't need to ask my permission."


She talked to them two weeks ago. Sky told them everything and they panicked. They stayed for the first two days but after everything was okay they left.

She clears her throat. "I know, I just thought you should know."

"Is she okay?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "She's really ill," her fingers fidget with her skirt again and she wipes her sweaty palms on her top.

I watch her. "Maybe I should come too," I say. "Make sure she's okay."

Sky shakes her head. "No," she says too sharply. "I will be fine. Plus don't want it to be too crowded for her."

I nod even though I can tell something isn't what it seems. "Just make sure she is okay."

She smiles and then almost instantly the smile is gone. "I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Oh and Sky," I tell her. "You, yourself aren't in the best of health so do not forget to take care of yourself."

She nods. "I won't."

She turns to walk away but comes short at the door. "Rocky," she says drawing my attention even though it was never really elsewhere.

"You should watch Liam," she says quietly as if Liam could still hear before she leaves the room.

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