Bet Number Two

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I step out of the bathroom with my denim shorts and a white t-shirt. I scan the bedroom but Rocky is nowhere to be seen. At least if he's left the bedroom then he is not naked...well maybe, you can never really tell with Rocky.

A small smile appears on my lips as an idea clicks into place. I grab the lotion sitting on my bedside table and walk downstairs to the living room. The sound of the television makes it obvious where Rocky is.

"Hey," I say as I drop myself on the couch beside him. He gives me a nod, his eyes lingering only a millisecond on my legs before he turns to face the TV again. Dammit!

Grabbing the bottle of lotion, I squeeze a small amount on my hand. I stretch my legs leaning them against the coffee table and rub the lotion in. I attempt to go slowly hoping it gives me enough time to draw his attention.

Rocky turns to face me, his eyes go down my face, to my waist, my thighs and then my legs.

I stretch the the bottle out to him. "Mind giving me a hand."

He smiles. "I think you got it covered, babe."

I frown, that's not how I thought this would go down. Despite him looking at me like he can't get his hands off me, he makes no move. In fact within a few seconds he's facing the TV, and I once again am out of ideas.

I watch him get up and turn to leave but I call out. "Where are you going?"

"To do some work, I think I've been behind a little if you catch my drift," he says with a wink.

I stare down at the ground and frown. He's going to win, I already know it.

I stump down on the bed once he's gone. Rocky is not even trying and I can already feel him win.


I hold the envelope tight in my hand. My heart pounds and I know very much that this is something I should involve Rocky in.

Rocky makes his way down the stairs, suitcase in his hand forcing me quickly shove the envelope behind my back. He stops short of the front door when he notices me. "Should I ask why you're standing by the front door?"

I shake my head lightly and plaster on a fake smile. "I'm waiting for my boyfriend."

Rocky lifts an eyebrow in question. "Boyfriend?"

"Uh huh," I say as I nod. "Since this marriage is fake and what not, I have my real boyfriend coming over to keep me company while you go to work."

Rocky smiles. "Tell him not to have too much fun."

I watch him turn and head out the door. That didn't even make him jealous, probably because he knows I don't have a boyfriend. Maybe I should pay someone to pretend to be my boyfriend. Shaking my head I scratch the idea from my mind.

I take the photo out of the envelope. It's a photo of me and Rocky only this morning with a bottle of lotion in my hand. This was taken upstairs in our bedroom when I was trying to win the damn bet. The note with the photo doesn't say much.

It merely says: Be careful. I have my eyes on you.

If the envelope wasn't addressed to me I would have assumed it was to Rocky and someone was threatening him. I should really show this to Rocky. Perhaps when he comes back from work.


I'm wearing a low cut dress which shows more cleavage than necessary and I cannot believe this is the length I'm going to in order to win a bet. The dress is short itself, showing my legs on full display. It's tight fitted to leave nothing to the imagination. Until Rocky doesn't lose, I won't give up.

I watch the clock. It's seven o'clock and he should be here by now. I have fixed dinner out on the rooftop and hopefully that's where Rocky gives up.

When I watch the clock again, the idea of trying to seduce Rocky sounds wrong. I'm not a girl to go to such measures to win a bet. The twisting in my stomach confirms that.

I'll need to change. When I turn to head upstairs, I hear the front door clock. Realising I don't have time to change, I grab the shawl I had set on the rail of the staircase and wrap it around myself.

Rocky walks in not expecting me at the front door. He is is his business shirt with the sleeves rolled up and his jacket resting on his arm.

He stops in front of me when he watches me. "Should I ask why you're dressed like that?"

I blink and then shake my head. "Dinner," I mutter. "I have planned dinner for us."

Rocky smiles. "Good, because I'm starving," he tells me. "Let me freshen up and I'll be back."

"The rooftop. Meet me there."

He nods but not before I catch his eyes scan down my legs. Before I can utter another word, he is gone.

I could change but that would make it obvious as to what I intend to do. My only option is so stay on this damn black dress. I dug my own grave.

I head up to the rooftop where the butler waits. I instruct him to wait until Rocky is here before serving the meal.

It doesn't take long for Rocky to appear. He walks over and as a gentleman pulls the chair out for me allowing me to take a seat before he takes his.

"So what's the special occasion?" He asks.

To seduce you. I quickly clear my throat. "I thought we deserved it. We've had a few ups and downs and well this is me trying to smooth them over."

Rocky leans forward. "Word of advice, hunny. If you're going to wear a dress like that, I'd lose the shawl."

Freezing in my spot, I have no reaction to give. "Why would I do that?"

"Isn't that what a dress like that was made be admired," he says.

"Well, maybe I like the shawl."

Rocky smiles. "Then the shawl it is," he says with a wink.

Maybe I should've taken it off, perhaps that would do the trick but I was so desperately hoping he would be the one taking it off and I would win the damn bet already.

The butler arrives placing the first meal on the table. I try not to focus on the food, I have to win this bet.

Rocky places a hand over mine and the gesture pulls me out of my thoughts. "Well regardless, you look lovely tonight."

I grab his hand. "Forget the food," I tell him as I pull him out of his seat. "We should dance."

Rocky smiles. "Dance? I never took you for someone who likes to dance."

I tilt my shoulders as he pulls me into position. "I like to dance, I'm just not good at it."

Rocky presses his lips to my ear. "Well good thing you have a partner who knows how to dance," he says. "Maybe I'll teach you a few moves."

The words echo in my ears seductively and I try not to let the goosebumps show. I pull the shawl tighter against my body and let Rocky guide us with this slow song.

For a second he twists me, dipping me low I almost feel my heart rip out of my chest. The next second I'm up taut and he's legs are moving mine. He is smooth and his body moves as if it's water. The confidence in which he carries himself even in dancing is a skill I lack.

When he twirls me, the shawl slips off my shoulder before his hand finds my hips and he presses me hard against his body. He is smooth.

I smile. "If you wanted the shawl off, you could have just told me."

"I did hint but you were never good at figuring them out," he says. "And why should I tell you when nature takes its course anyways."

This time he makes it very obvious that he is scanning me up and down, with every intention of letting me know he is admiring my body.

"If you like what you see then why don't you make your move," I tell him, because all it takes is one slip up and I win.

"Because it's not my move to make," he replies.

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