What Happens In The Office, Stays In The Office

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Rocky has been gone for over two hours. It's not long and neither does my life depend on it but somehow I cannot stop thinking about him. The past few days have been crazy, and unfortunately I don't remember all of it.

"So," I say to the butler who brings me orange juice. "Where does Rocky keep the private stuff?"

The butler looks at me in confusion. "I'm sorry, madam," he says. "I don't quite understand."

I take a deep breath. Let's try this again. "Rocky must be hiding something, and you've worked for him long enough to know where he'd hide certain things. Like a contract or something on me."

The butler dips his head and stares at the floor. A clear sign he knows something. "Sorry, madam," he whispers. "That is not my place to tell."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, okay," I say standing up from the couch. "Can you at least point me to someone who would tell."

The butler frowns and excuses himself. I will never win.

Downing the orange juice in one gulp, I head upstairs to our bedroom. Now that I know he's gone and won't be back for a few hours, I can have a decent scan of his wardrobe. It's bad and I hate myself for this but he's hiding something.

My phone rings from the corner of the room. I look around. Please don't tell me he has cameras and can see me snooping from work.

Father's name appears on screen. Thank God.

"Hello," I answer.

"Sky, what is this I see on the news?" My father asks in concern.

"Huh," I say in confusion. "What is it?"

He suggests I turn the television on immediately and what shows next shocks me. An obviously drunk me unable to get a proper footing as Rocky helps me into his car. Of course I don't remember this but this must've been the night of the party. My gold dress makes it obvious.

I shake my head. This cannot be happening. This looks bad, and I mean very bad. The news make me out to be some kind of party animal and I'm the furthest from it.

I blink away the tears. I just want to go home where things were quiet and peaceful. I had the life back home. Here there is nothing going for me.

"I didn't raise you like this," father's voice raises. "I have people calling asking about this. I had to bloody lie about your wedding because you did something rather stupid and now this."

Breathing heavily, I fall on my knees.

"Our company has become a joke. We're losing deals because of this."

I clear my throat. "What has that got to do with our company?" I ask dryly.

Father sighs. "It's not a good look. We're not doing a great job representing what we stand for," he says and then hangs the phone up.

That's it. I am sick and tired of this. I push myself up, wiping the final tears and leave our bedroom. Going downstairs, I look at all the photos of Rocky's family.

"Get the car out," I tell Rocky's driver who stands by the carport.

He does as I say and within two minutes a car awaits me. "Rocky's office," I say before the driver can even ask where to take me. He simply nods and drives off.


I take the stairs two at a time. The receptionist tries to stop me but another member of the staff warns her, telling her I'm his wife.

"Where is Rocky?" I ask the lady at the third floor having no idea who she is.

She frowns. "He's in a meeting at the moment. Did you need to meet him?"

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