⊶ Chapter Fourteen ⊷

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hotel? trivago. see ya in the next chapter~


"We are now approaching Pulbury central, this is where this train terminates-" Yawning you stretched out your gloved hands. It was around noon, you had been on this train far too long. Across from you sat Oscar, he had fallen asleep around an hour ago. Being such a kind and considerate person you left him be choosing to watch the scenery outside. Watching as the small towns transitioned to rolling hills. Scattered around were clusters of trees, all losing their leaves.

It was peaceful. The rising sun gave everything a golden glow. Rays of light shone through the window giving Oscar the perfect golden hour filter. It made you smile, failing to notice how the bright light highlighted the shadows in his face. Deep bags plagued his face. You didn't notice how he seemed to frown in his sleep. Guess other things were on your mind.

Snapping back to the present you watched how the buildings climbed taller and taller the closer to the city centre you got. The buildings turned from stone to glass, shining brightly. Everything felt modern and expensive. Sighing you checked the front pocket of your bag, next to your one-way train ticket sat the money you had managed to collect. Previously you thought it would be enough to support you for at least a few days, maybe not.

Even the people looked like they were worth money. A lady sat across the carriage decked out in a modern suit holding the latest iPhone, manicured nails tapping away. Her nails looked gorgeous, you knew it was a weird thing to pay attention to but they caught your eye. Maybe after this all settled down you would go get them done. They wear gloves when they do your nails, don't they? You had never had them done before...

Never mind that, the train started to slow approaching central station. Grabbing the ticket you, as gently as possible kicked Oscar. "Wake up." Jolting awake he glared at you before stretching out, his bones clicking into place. Begrudgingly getting up he went to take his bag off the overhang.  This proved to be a difficult task as he struck his arms out trying to keep balance on the moving train. Still sitting you watched in amusement before finally getting off the surprisingly comfy seat. Following him, the pair of you made your way to the doors. Passengers had already crowed around the doors all waiting for the train to finally stop. 

Stepping out the train you were overwhelmed. Central station was buzzing with activity everyone seemed to be here, rushing to and from the various trains. Holding onto Oscar's sleeve you let him drag you through the crowd towards the gates. Everyone seemed to be in a rush. They were obviously used to this, they knew they were going. Scanning your tickets you passed through the barriers. Big screens hung above the ticket booths displaying all the train times. Shops surrounded a seating area, glass ceilings protecting the area from the elements. It was funny, even with the ceilings pigeons had still managed to invade the station lying in wait below the metal seats. Ready for a meal.

Making your way to the seating area you and Oscar stood next to the rows of metal chairs- all connected at the base. "Where to..?"

"Is there a map..?" Looking around Oscar bit his lip. Not being able to see over the swarm of people you watched a couple of birds crowd around an empty wrapper. Suddenly Oscar's eyes lit up. "Yeah over there." Already leading you towards it you took one last glance at a lone pigeon pecking at what looked like a cracker before being swallowed by the crowd again.


After trying to ingrain the map of the surrounding area into your mind you and Oscar settled on making your way to the closest McDonald's, the safe heaven for rouge groups of teenagers and stressed parents alike. You were in the mood for some fatty, artery-clogging fries. It was cheap and cheerful. Something you would regret heavily relying on in twenty years.

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt