⊶ Chapter Two ⊷

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Sorry for not updating sooner! Truthfully this chapter just lay unpublished for like over a week. Hopefully, I'll be able to start making more consistent updates!  Well I'll see ya in the next chapter~


"Look, you were too slow now your friends involved." The masked man started in a condescending tone. "Now where is the rest of the photos? If you don't tell me, your friend will have her brain blown out. That would be a nice new wall decoration wouldn't it?" Wall decoration? Glancing over you saw the remains of Hannah's 'evidence' wall. The photos harshly ripped away, string left dangling. Suddenly the sound of the gun's safety catch being switched ringing in your ears. Eyes wide you stared at Hannah and the masked man, you swore to god if Hannah let you die you would haunt her for the rest of her life. Your focus was dragged away from the two when you felt the cold metal press harder against your skull.

Swallowing thickly you glanced over to the hooded man, he seemed awfully relaxed for the situation you were in. His hand came closer, flinching away you nearly called for help. Tilting his head the man seemed to look at you with amusement before his hand slipped into your pocket, fishing out your phone. You watched as he dropped your phone onto the ground, his boot coming down hard on the fragile glass. That bastard broke your phone! You didn't pay any attention to what was said between Hannah and the intruder, you didn't care what was being said as long as you got out alive.

That being said, a loud smack echoed around the room snapping your attention back to Hannah. Crying out she held onto the side of her face as the man got off of her. She must have agreed to whatever his terms were, thank all things holy. Hannah scrambled up and headed towards your wardrobe. Wait what? Was she hiding her stash of photos in your wardrobe? Looking over her shoulder she looked at you apologetically. Rummaging around your wardrobe she pulled out a shoebox, opening it revealed an alarming amount of photos. How long had she been investigating this, you thought it was just a quirky hobby. It shocked you how many photos she had, was it all useful evidence? You couldn't exactly tell what the photos were of from this angle but if it was all evidence why didn't she go to the police? She just let these weirdos run wild? Also, why was it hidden in your wardrobe? Was she just throwing you under the bus as well?

The man took the box quickly rummaging through it. Seeming satisfied he shoved the box into a duffle bag that had been abandoned next to Hannah's bed. Quickly the barrel of the gun was shoved against your head before the pressure finally left you. Letting out a shaky breath you watched as the hooded man shoved the gun into his pocket like it was a normal thing to carry around. Hannah remained on the ground next to your wardrobe, avoiding your gaze obviously feeling guilty. The men took their leave, forcing open the window and disappearing out of it. The duffle bag slung over the masked man's shoulder. Leaving you and Hannah in silence, your panicked breaths seemed to calm down. You didn't know if you wanted to cry or fight someone. Why didn't you do something? So many 'what if's' ran through your mind, were you ever in any danger? A gunshot would've been too loud in the dorms. It would've attracted attention. You could've fought back... But you didn't, it was like your whole body was just frozen in fear. Soft sobs broke you out of your thoughts, looking down you saw Hannah curled up still next to your wardrobe.

Letting out a sigh you got a hold of yourself walking over you stood above Hannah looking down at her. As mad as you were you needed to act rationally, you needed to contact the police. Hannah just continued to shake on the ground. For God's sake, nudging her you held out your hand. "Come on get up," Taking your hand she looked up at you tears running down her cheeks. "I'm-m so so-orry" She choked out gritting your teeth you just nodded pulling her up. You didn't know what to think about this situation, should you be mad at Hannah or the men. You would need time to process everything, it still didn't seem real. Almost like some messed up dream. "Are you hurt?" It was a stupid question. A blaring red hand print was across one cheek. "They co-couldve done a lot wo-orse.." She stuttered out letting go of your hand.

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now