Tommy, Jealous?

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****Georgia's POV****

After the announcement I moved over to the fire pit with Amber, Belle and Ovie. I think we all knew that Amber had a massive decision to make and she didn't really know what she was going to do.

"I love Michael like a brother but he has betrayed your trust and really hurt you. I think if I was in your position I would try and start something new." Belle said.

"I sort of feel like obviously I've got a great connection with Michael, he makes me feel happy when I speak to him and we always have a laugh."

"Do you think that on the outside you two will work though?"

"I know everyone can say what they want about this but I can tell you still have feelings for him and you really like him." I told her. "But in your gut you know what to do, you know whether you want that risk element or if Greg is enough."

"Who would you want to sleep in a bed with tonight? Who can you see yourself spending more time with in here?" Belle told her.

"I really don't know."

"All I can say Greg has come in and hers been absolutely wonderful, he's a class guy and he's made you smile again." Ovie said. "But if you pick him you're playing it safe, going back with Michael your heart could get shattered again but you like him more than Greg. Your connection is much bigger, and at the end of the day to win big you've got to bet big. It's a bigger gamble, but for me the pay off will be much higher."

"Go with your heart babe and then you can't regret anything.l


We all gathered around the fire pit for the recoupling later on. All the girls sat around it with the boys in front of it.

"India and Harley as you are the newest arrivals, you will pick first."

"I would like to couple up with this boy because ever since I care into the villa he's made me feel welcome. I feel like we've got a lot in common on the outside world. He's kind, he's funny and obviously he's very good looking. I would like to see if things could go further." India said. "So the boy I would like to couple up with is Ovie."

"I want to couple up with this boy because he has made me feel so at home and so welcome. He's also got the same stupid sense of humour as myself and I would like to get to know him more. So the boy I want to couple up with is Chris." Harley went next.

Belle then coupled up with Anton and Molly coupled up with Jordan.

I was up next. "I would like to couple up with this boy because he's honestly made me feel so loved and adored in here. He makes me smile everyday and I can't imagine myself being with anyone else but him. I wake up every morning and realise how lucky I am that I get to call someone like him mine. So the boy I would like to couple up with is Tommy."

Maura then coupled up with Curtis.

Amber then got up and I could see she was shaking. "I want to couple up with this boy because, well first of all it's been the hardest decision I've had to make. I really don't know what the right thing to do is. I've got one boy that I've got a history with and we've had ups and downs, but I can't deny there's a connection there. Then I've got another guy that's come in and put a smile on my face when I've been miserable. I didn't shut him down even though I've been through a lot it was hard to handle. I don't know whether to go with my heart or my head, it's been hard. So the boy I want to couple up with is Greg."

That left Michael for Fran. "I would like to couple up with this boy because you'd all probably go hungry if it wasn't for this man. I personally have struggled to find a connection with anyone but you're an expert so hopefully you can teach me a few things. I think you're a great person and I haven't really got any other choice. So the boy I would like to couple up with is Michael."

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