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Evan's POV:

I walk into my bedroom and sigh, kicking my shoes off and almost undressing.

"We need to talk, Evan." Scott's voice stops me from unzipping my dress and I shake my head at his statement.

"Talk about what, Scott? There is nothing else left to be said. You're a cheater. You haven't changed, and you never will." I huff, exhausted from having the same argument over and over again.

"Evan, I'm sorry. Okay?" He sighs, pushing the door closed. "Look, I'll stop seeing her. I'll tell her Monday." He promises.

I laugh pathetically, "you still haven't shut it down after I kicked you out over this? Wow, you really are a lousy son of a bitch."

"Evan! Please! Don't do this to our family. We aren't-"

"Me?" I gasp. "I am not the one damaging this family, Scott. You are. It started when you first started having an affair with that slut. Don't try to make me out to be the bad guy for doing what's best for me and my kids." I hiss, not taking well to what he implied.

"So that's it? Your mind is made up?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest. "What was that about today then? The touching and affection? And last night... when I kissed you." He questions.

I shake my head, "You answered your own question. You kissed me. That's all it was. And rather than dragging your name through the dirt, I plan on doing this in the most considerate, respectful way possible." I say to him.

He stares me down and bites his cheek. I watch him begin to pace and he finally faces me again. "You want a divorce?"

"That's all that is left here, Scott. I'm done, and I'm tired." I shake my head, hating to actually admit it.

"Evan, I love you." He pleads.

"No, you don't. If you loved me you wouldn't make me feel like you do, Scott. I'll have my attorney send you papers Monday. We can make this quick and easy, and I'll give you fair time with the kids." I say, my decision finalized.

Scott shakes his head, his calm-nature flying out the window. His eyes narrow and he shakes his head. "I'm getting the kids, Evan. You aren't ripping them away from me. And I'm taking my house too. I won't make this easy for you." He threatens.

I shake my head at him. I had a feeling this would happen. He isn't he most level-headed person. "My attorney will be in touch." I say, turning my back to him.

I listen to him stomp out and slam the door, and once he is gone tears pool in my eyes.

Having any marriage come to an end, even a toxic one, hurts.

* * *

Lexi's POV:

Of course I wasn't able to get what Evan told me earlier out of my head.

I've been watching the clock for a while now, trying to figure out when the kids will be sleeping.

After much contemplation, I decide eleven is plenty late enough, and thankfully my mom and Mike are sleeping already too.

I slip downstairs and out the front door undetected and let myself into the Copeland residence as instructed by Evan.

I try to be quiet as I wander the house, searching for "my favorite person," as Katie would say.

I stumble upon her in the kitchen, shoveling out scoops of ice cream from a pint.

She jumps a bit when I turn the corner, but a smile appears after.

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