Chapter 12

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Authors note: thanks so much for y'alls feedback! Kee it coming please!!!! Sorry I don't have a posting schedule, I work full time and am busy so I can only update when I can! Thanks for being patient <3

The next morning I help my mother in her garden, digging up weeds in the hot summer sun. I'm hoping I'll get a tan but with my luck I'll probably just burn.

"Did you and Nick have a nice night last night?" My mother asks.

I stop and look at her but her eyes are focused on the ground. I start to panic. Did she see us kiss? I hope not. I would never hear the end of it. She would have our wedding planned in five minutes.

"Uh yeah it was fine." I say, tugging at a large weed that doesn't want to budge.

"He's such a good guy." She says and I roll my eyes. Here we go with the Nick talk.

I look up to see Joes car pulling into his parents driveway. I look away quickly and pray he doesn't come over here. I haven't spoken to him since that night at his place and I'm trying to keep it that way.

Much to my dismay, I hear my mother say a hello and I look up to Joe walking towards us. He looks at my mom and then at me, giving us an award winning smile.

"Ladies." He says.

"to what do I owe the pleasure?" My mom asks.

"I was hoping to talk to Trin actually." He says and I freeze.

"I was just about to go inside to start lunch, so she's all yours." She stands up and starts to walk away. I stand up too, almost falling over but catching myself on the fence.

"Don't you need help with that?" I call after her but she ignores me. I blow a piece of hair out of my face and look at Joe who's just staring at me.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Are you going to avoid me forever?" He asks, crossing his arms.

"Maybe." I say.

"Look Trin, you know I'm sorry and I..."

"No need to explain Joe."

"Well something that has been on my kind is I know I was a little drugged up but you were sober..."

"So?" I ask.

"Do you have feelings for me?" He asks and I'm caught off guard by his bluntness.

"I was just caught up in the moment." I say.

"So you don't have feelings for me?" He asks, clearly confused.

"I have feelings for someone else." I say, and I see a tinge of sadness in his face though I must be mistaken.

"Then can we forget it ever happened?" He asks. No way could I forget it, no matter how much I tried.

"Yes Joe." I say.

He smiles, "great. Jenny has been asking about you, she has a bridesmaid dress for you to try on."

"Right, I'll text her later." I say.

"Okay Trin, ill see you later."

I watch him walk away and sigh, wishing I could have just told him how I feel. But what's the point? It's not going to change anything.

I arrive at Jenny's apartment with a sour feeling in my stomach.

I knock on the door and she opens it with a huge smile. "I'm so happy you're here!" She says, pulling me in for a hug. She smells like vanilla and brown sugar. I'm not sure if it's her hair or a perfume but I've noticed she always smells like that.

"Hi Jenny." I say, walking in behind her. She's always so happy and nice. God I wish I could dislike her.

"I'm so excited to see this dress on you! If it's a little big don't worry, I'll get it tailored for you!"

We walk into her bedroom and theirs a bag with the dress in it lying on her bed. She picks it up and takes it out, revealing a beautiful baby blue strapless dress.

"It's beautiful." I tell her.

"It will look so nice on you." She says, handing it to me.

I go into the bathroom and slip it on. It's a perfect fit. I look at myself in the mirror and bite my lip. It's going to be so hard to watch them get married. I should never have agreed to be in the wedding. But I can't back out now.

I step out shyly and her mouth drops, "girl! You can't wear that dress." She says.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You are gonna look better than me!" She laughs, walking around me, "For real though, it looks great on you!"

I laugh back, "thank you."

"Thanks so much again for being in the wedding!" She says, taking a seat at the end of her bed.

"Of course." I say, but I can't help but feel guilty. She has no idea how I feel about her fiancé.

"Do you want to grab something to eat with Joe and I?" She asks, checking her phone.

I shake my head, "no thanks, I have plans anyway." I tell her.

"ooh with who?" She says.

"Just Nick." I say with a shrug.

"You two spend a lot of time together huh?" She says with a smile.

I shrug again, "nothing more than usual." I say.

She smiles bigger, "whatever you say."

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