Chapter 8

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When I wake up, the blanket I placed on Nick is now on me. I rub the sleepiness from my eyes and then let them adjust to the light. Nick isn't on the couch, so I hop up and walk into the kitchen, hoping he's in there but he isn't.

The whiskey and shot glasses are still on the table and my heart sinks. Was it only last night? I sigh and notice a piece of paper on the counter. I walk over to it and pick it up. It reads; Trin, sorry for leaving before you woke up, but I have to go to the tux fitting for the wedding, id like to come back tonight if you want me to. Just text me. -Nick.

I feel a wave of emotions. The mention of the wedding saddens me but then the thought of him wanting to come back tonight excites me. Could I be starting to get feelings for him? He's just so good to me, and I have always loved being around him.

I spend the rest of the morning cleaning up and taking a shower and then text Nick that id love for him to come over. I waited a while before texting him because I didn't want to seem desperate.

He arrives around five o'clock and I'm pleased to see a large pizza box in his hand as he enters. I clap my hands like a little kid and snatch the box from him, running into the kitchen. I hear him laughing as he makes his way into the room.

"Hungry much?" He asks.

I nod and open up the box, and take a deep breath. The pizza has half pepperoni and half onions and banana peppers.

"I didn't think you knew what I liked." I admit, grabbing a slice and ripping off a banana pepper and popping it into my mouth.

"I pay attention." He says with a shy smile before grabbing a slice of pepperoni.

We eat in silence, finishing off a few more slices before making our way to the couch. It's only seven when I flip through the channels. Nick sits as far away from me on the couch as possible and I can feel the tension in the air between us. When I can't stand the silence any longer, I finally speak up.

"How did the fitting go?" I ask.

He shrugs, "fine. Boring. I guess Jenny flew out to Hawaii with his sister for a week. Some girls trip."

"Oh that's fun." I say.

Nick's phone rings then, "Hello?" He answers. I watch his face turn serious and he stands up. I do too, surprised by his quick movement.

"We will be right there." He says and hangs up.

"Joe was in an accident." Nick says.

"What?" I ask, and I feel my chest tighten.

"He went off the road, hit a tree. He's in the hospital." He says but I can hardly hear him as he's already heading for the front door. I slip on my shoes and jog behind him to catch up. Tears form in my eyes at the thought of Joe being hurt.

"Is he okay?" I ask as we enter his car.

"I don't know. That's all mom said."

The ride to the hospital is silent. Nick has never been very open emotionally, but I can see the worry written on his face.

We find his parents, Kevin and Danielle and Frankie in the waiting room. Nick gives his mom a hug, she smiles weakly and sniffles. I stay back, unsure of what to do or say. I bite my lip, fighting back crying myself.

"He will be okay." Mr. Jonas says, "he has a concussion, and a broken arm and a few broken ribs. He's in a lot of pain and well he looks pretty banged up. They don't want all of us in there at the same time."

"I'll go." Nick says.

"Actually, he was asking for you." Mr. Jonas says and it takes me a second to realize he's looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Go ahead." Nick says, patting me on the shoulder.

I walk down the hall and stop at his door. I peak in through the little window and he laying there, hooked up to machines and a big cast on his arm. I open the door quietly, noticing he's asleep. I walk over and sit down on the chair beside him. His curly hair is messy, and he has many cuts on his face, along with a bandage on his forehead, which I assume is how he got the concussion.

I lean my elbows on his bed and wipe a tear from my eye. I hate seeing him like this. If I could take away everyone ounce of pain he's felt and will feel I would. I would die for him.

His eyes blink a few times and then he opens them. I sit up and he turns his head slowly in my direction. He smiles when he sees me and I return it.

"Hey." He says, his voice low and raspy.

"Hi." I say, leaning in closer to him.

He puts his hand out and I'm confused at what he's doing until he grabs my hand, rubbing my palm gently. Does he think I'm Jenny? What if he lost his memory and doesn't know who I am?

"Don't look so sad Trin." He says.

A flood of relief flows through me when he says my name. I wipe another stray tear with my free hand and smile, "sorry." I say.

"I'll be fine. Just a little banged up."

"A little?" I say with a giggle and he smiles though his eyes are closed again. He has a lot of medicine in his system.

I rest my other hand on top of our interlocked ones and wonder if I should have pulled away. But I know I could never do that. His touch sends me to another place.

We haven't talked since our moment at my apartment, and I was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to talk to me again.

"I'm glad you are here." He says lowly, and then he's asleep.

I stay like that for about ten more minutes. I gently take my hands from him and walk back out into the waiting room. I explain to them that he is sleeping, so we all decide to let him rest for a while before someone visits again.

After a while, Nick is nowhere to be found so I take a walk to the cafeteria. He's seated alone at a table and he's on the phone. As I approach he hangs up and gestures for me to sit.

"That was Jenny. I guess she's staying on vacation as planned."

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Mom said Joe insisted on us telling her to stay. You know him, doesn't like to ruin anything for anyone and definitely doesn't want the added attention."

"If it was me i..." i start.

"I know." Nick says.

Authors note:
Sorry it's been a while since I updated. Thanks so much for the reads and everything! Here's a quick chapter to keep you guys going.

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