Chapter 26

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So.. it has been awhile. Honestly, not only was it just writers block, but I just lost motivation to finish writing this book. However, I am going to try my very best to finish this book to the best of my ability. Just a warning, there is going to be BIG jump cut in the next few chapters so... be aware.


This is it, this is the day that I tell Ace the truth. When the clock strikes midnight, I am just going to drop the bomb on him. There are too many doubts that fly through my mind.

How will he react?

Will he hate me after this?

Will he still talk to me?

Will he forgive me?

Will he expose me to every human being that is currently breathing on this very planet?

I mean if he did he would have to deal with Sofia and... if he was smart, he would stay out of her way. There is no going back either way, I already promised my family and Sofia that I would do this. God, Sofia would literally kill me with her bare hands if she finds out I didn't tell Ace yet.

Okay not literally ... but you get the point.

I am currently drinking some "Mystery Punch" made by Adrian. However, after one sip I immediately dumped it in the sink. It's not that it has too much alcohol in it but it just literally tasted like toilet water.

Don't ask how I know what toilet water tastes like...

Let's just say that one day Sofia got mad at me for wearing her new dress so she went to get me a "cup of water."

I grab of beer just to ease my nerves a bit. I look at the time on the clock as it reads "11:30." Looking around the crowd of drunk teenagers, I spot Mark and Emily on the couch cuddling as they were watching Ace, Andrew, Cameron and Adrian play Beer pong.

"Look who it is, little Miss Maya Walters. Why are you here all by yourself?" Nasally voice catches my attention as my focus turns to the Blonde airhead in front of me.

"Well, I was just getting a drink." I reply as I hold up my can of beer.

"Hm, so there is no trouble in paradise?" Amber pouts as she looks past my shoulder referring to Ace.

"Nope... We are both pretty good actually, but thanks for your concern." I exclaim as I turn around and make my way to where Emily is. As I get closer, Emily abruptly gets up and storms off. The look on her face tells me that whatever Mark told her clearly made her upset. I watch as Mark gets up and walks towards the kitchen, not giving me a second glance.

Following where Emily went, I spot her sitting outside in the backyard on the back steps. Emily notices a presence behind her as she quickly turns around and wipes off a few stray tears falling down her face.

"Hey Emily." I say as I sit down next to her.

She simply says hi back and looks down at her hands. "I guess you saw our argument."

"Yea I did, You don't have to tell me what happened but I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

She sighs and looks up at the sky. It was a clear night as she stares at the full moon above them as well as the stars that filled up the sky. "Did Ace tell you the news yet? About the football team?" She asks as she shifts her focus to me.

"He didn't mention anything to me."

She slightly chuckles as she gets up and dusts off any dirt on the back of her pants. "I don't want to tell you until Ace tells you himself, but it is basically the same thing that Mark told me."

"Is it bad news?" I ask slightly afraid of what it could be.

"Well, I think it's awful news in my opinion. Just let Ace explain it to you okay? After that, we can vent to each other." She chuckles as she walks past me.

Confusion surrounds my thoughts as I get up from where I was sitting. I keep replaying the conversation with Emily in my head. I didn't realize how long I was thinking until my phone started ringing.


"Hey Mia. Did you tell Ace yet?" Sofia screams through the phone as loud music plays in the background.

"Not yet, but Emily just told me that Ace is going to tell me some news. Apparently it has something to do with the football team?"

"What does that have to do with anything? Just man up, and tell this man who you are."

"Sofia, It is like two bombs are going to be dropped tonight. My secret and whatever Ace is going to tell me. This is horrible timing, I don't think I can do this." I reply nervously as I pace back and forth.

"You're such a baby you know that? You don't even know what he is going to say to you. For all you know, he could've gotten into a college or something." Sofia says.

"If that's the case, why did Emily get angry at her boyfriend after he told her the same thing Ace is going to tell me. She even said it herself that this was bad news."

"What do I look like a mind reader? Mia look at the time right now, it is 11:55. You got five minutes to tell Ace the truth before I buy the next flight out to Virginia to strangle you. Alright got to go. I found a Latin man that is going to rock my world tonight. Hugs and kisses to my bishes." She hangs up the phone leaving me very confused.

I rush back inside to try to find Ace.

"Alright everybody we got five minutes before the ball drops. Grab your special someone and get some chap-stick too. I saw some people with the crustiest lips I have ever seen." Adrian says while standing on a table. Everybody cheers as they grab their dates for the night.


I turn around to see Ace smiling as he approaches me.

"I know that this is not a good time to tell you this but I have to tell you sooner or later."

"Ace I have to tell you something too."

"Okay you go first." We both say simultaneously.

"I'm just going to say my thing first."

Everyone starts counting down from 10 in the background as I anxiously wait for Ace to tell me the news.

"The thing is..."



"The football team is going to be travelling for the next few months to meet with some colleges across the United states as well as training with the NFL. So we won't be back until June. (I made this up lol. I don't know if it is possible for a hs football team to be gone for that long but just go with it.)

I didn't realize I zoned out for a bit until the voices of everybody around me brought me back to reality.


"Happy new year indeed..." I say to myself as I see Ace waiting for a response. "That's great! This is such a big opportunity for you." I fake a smile.

Ace sighs in relief,"Thank you so much Maya, I saw that Emily didn't take the news well when Mark told her but, I am so glad that you understand." He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. "Wait, what did you want to tell me?"

"Oh," I pull out of his hold. "I uhm, I am-"

"Your what?" Ace asks.

"I am... I am just happy for you that's all!"

"Thank you Maya! Don't worry, June will be here before you know it! We can talk every day, I know we can work through the long distance for a bit." He says as he hugs me again.

"Totally." I respond.

Here is to another day of not telling Ace the truth! Sofia is going to kill me...

I didn't know how to end that chapter lmfao

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