Chapter 8

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I have only been in this class for only thirty minutes and I am already bored. The only thing the teacher has given us are these packets that are due at the end of the class. The packet is literally the size of the bible. Mrs.Smith doesn't even teach at all, the only thing she is doing at the moment is going on her phone and playing candy crush. 

"Guys,make sure you guys share my cover for the contest Mia is hosting." One of the girls in my class says as she is taking pictures of herself. 

"You know, I used to know Mia Williams." Ace whispers to me.

 I snap my head to look at him, "Oh really?" Oh god, I wonder what he is going to say about me.

 "Yea, We were best friends when we were little, before she moved away. We thought we were soul mates, and when she left I was so heartbroken. I was only ten years old but I really thought I loved her." He chuckled. "But its fine now honestly, she is doing great things. Like this contest she is holding, I think it's amazing." He said.

 "What would you do if she came back to Virginia?" I say.

 "well, I don't know if I am honest. Is it weird that I always hoped that she would come back. Like, I have been with a lot of girls but she would always be the one I would always think about... You know what never mind it is just stupid." He replies while looking at his packet. 

"Hey it's not stupid Ace.. It is kind of sweet you know? I bet she thinks about you too." God I just wish I can tell him but I can't. 

"Ha.. That's funny." He turns and looks at me but I give him a confused look.

 "Come on Maya.. She is a famous pop star now, she travels the world and is living her dream right now. There is no way in hell that she thinks about me." He sighs and begins the worksheet.

It is now the end of the day and I begin to walk home from school. *BEEP BEEP* I turn around and see Ace in a black mustang. 

"Hey Maya. Do you want me to drive you home?" Ace asks.

 "Uhm.. well you don't have to, I don't live that far away from the school." I reply.

 "Come on Maya, I insist.." With that, I head towards his car and get into the passenger seat. Oh shit, what if Ace remembers my old house.

 "Where do you live?" He asks as he begins to drive down the street. 

"Uhh.. that house right there." I tell him as I point towards my house. He pulls up in the driveway and parks the car. 

"Hey Maya, before you go, Is there any chance that I can have your number?" He asks while giving me his perfect smile.

After I gave him my number, he left to go back to school for football practice. Why would he drive me home from school to drive back to school after? I walk into the house to find that I am all alone. Usually in the afternoon Grandma is at the country club, Grandpa is out golfing with his friends, and Dad is still at work. I dial Sofia's number to give her the scope on what happened today.

 "What up hoe." Sofia says.

 "Hey Sofia." I reply as I go up to my room.

 "So chica, how was your first day of school?"

 "Well, it honestly wasn't that bad. If i'm honest, I forgot to play that shy, nerdy girl character." I responded as I take out my homework for tonight.

 "Wait what the fuck, girl do you want to get caught?" She says.

 "Okay, the reason why I forgot was because I met Ace.. you know the guy I used to be friends with when I was little?" I say. 

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