Chapter 6

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^^ Meadowside High School

"Mia time to wake up." My grandma says while she shakes me back and forth. I groan and flip over. 


"Okay.. okay I'm up." I groan while rubbing my eyes. "Grandma I don't even have supplies for school." I said while picking out my outfit.

 "Honey don't worry, when I heard that you were going to start school I immediately got you everything you need." My grandma smiles as she hands me a bookbag. "Now I'm going to go make some breakfast, don't forget to look nerdy." I giggled as I grabbed black leggings and a red and black flannel.

 I go to the bathroom and begin to change into my disguise. My glasses are prescriptions so it helps me portray my nerdy character. Let's just hope no one steals them cause I'm going to be blind for the rest of the day. I go downstairs as the aroma of waffles and bacon fill the air.

 "Hello Mia how did you sleep?" My grandfather says as he puts down his newspaper. 

"I slept well, what time does my dad go to work?" I said as my grandma hands me my plate of waffles.

 "I'm going to work after I drop you off at school." My dad says has he walks into the kitchen. 

"Dad I thought the school was walking distance? You don't need to drop me off." I say. 

"Mia c'mon it's your first day of school and besides, I gotta show those boys who they are messing with." My dad says while kissing my temples.

 I roll my eyes as I continue to finish my breakfast.

 "Remember dear, it's November so School has already started. Make sure those students aren't being mean to you just because your new. Or else I'm going to drive to the school myself and knock some sense into them." My grandma says in a serious tone while my grandpa and I look at each other before we both burst out laughing.

We pull up to the school and there were a bunch of students outside of the school. Meadow side High school is actually decent looking, I thought the school was going to be small but turns out I was wrong. 

"Okay Mia or Maya whatever, Go to guidance first to get your schedule okay. It is okay to be late on your first day because you are still new to the school. Don't let anyone bully you okay, uhm you have your wallet so you can get lunch. Uhh what else uhm well-"

 I cut him off, "Dad, I'm going to be fine. I can handle myself, i'm almost eighteen years old. Can I go now?" 

"Ugh stop reminding me, sorry kiddo i'm still new to this whole father daughter conversations. Well i'm not new to it but your just older now and uh shit i'm rambling again aren't I" He turns to me and I give him a nod. "Okay kiddo, you are free to go. Love you."

"Love you too dad." I said as I get out of the car.

 I begin to walk towards to school and immediately a few students start staring at me. Jesus have they never seen a female walk into a public high school before? 

"Hey mamacita you look good today. You new here?" A guy says while checking me up and down. 

"Mmm I'm not usually into nerds but I would love to have a taste of that ass sometime." One of his friends says while licking his lips.

 I scoff as I walk into school and head towards the guidance office. While I walk towards the office, I see a group of girls around this other girl on the ground. The girl on the ground looks very familiar but I have no idea where I have seen her from. 

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