Chapter 28

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The next day, I was happier than usual. Yesterday, I had the best date ever (considering it was my first date) with Keith, and I couldn't stop the smile from appearing on my face everytime I thought of it. Luckily, Matt took one look at my grin and didn't ask me about my date. 

Of course, he was going to ask Keith and make sure he gave me a date that matched his "standards".

After quickly getting ready, I skipped downstairs and saw Matt, Shiro, and Keith, talking while eating breakfast.

"Hi, guys!" I exclaimed, giving Matt and Shiro a hug. Turning to Keith, I gave him a quick hug, muttering a "hi" before getting some food. However, Keith didn't let me go and held me against him until Matt cleared his throat.

"Hi beautiful," Keith said before letting me go. I blushed as I got food, smiling.

"So, I assume you two had a great time?" Shiro asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah! It was really fun! Keith took me to a space museum and it was awesome and then he took me to the best restaurant ever. The pasta was delicious and I was about to meet your friend, Coran, but he couldn't come but it was so much fun! I loved it!" I exclaimed, making Shiro chuckle at my ramble.

Before he could say anything, Matt butted in. "He didn't try anything did he?"

I shook my head, deciding not to tell Matt about the kiss Keith gave me. I'm pretty sure Matt told Keith not to do that, but since when does Keith ever to listen to him?

Keith looked at me, grateful, and I just smiled at him. I never realized how cute he was until now.

"Okay, so, Pigeon, Keith is taking you to school today because Shiro and I have to go to classes. We won't reach home until like 9, so you guys could work on your project or something. And no fooling around. I'm watching you Keithy boy," Matt told us. He then looked at Keith and made that "I'm watching you sign" with his fingers before leaving with Shiro behind him, laughing at Keith's face.

As soon as they left, Keith said, "Are you done? We have to go now."

"Yeah, let me just get my bag," I responded, grabbing my backpack from the living room. Together, Keith and I went to his bike and rode to school.

As soon as we got there, I saw that Mike and his group of friends were waiting at the front of the school. 

"Hey, just ignore them. Honestly, they are just stupid, so don't worry about them. I won't let them hurt you or anything," Keith reassured me when he saw the scared expression on my face. Feeling brave, I held Keith's hand, shocking him and anybody who was looking at us. 

What, have they never seen a boy and girl hold hands before?

Once we reached the building, Mike looked at us and sneered. "Finally got yourself a girl, Keith? I must say, she doesn't fit the standards you had when you dated other girls. They were more... you know."

No, I do not know. Care to explain Mr. Nobody-Cares-About-You-You-Butt?

"Shut the h*ll up Mike. I never was with anybody. Plus, at least Pidge is a better person overall than Katherine. Oh, by the way, sorry about losing your girlfriend. Last I heard, she was with Kyle in the janitor's closet doing... you know."

Ha, in your face sucker!

Mike looked livid at the fact of his ex-girlfriend. "You don't know what you are talking about Kogane. In case you don't know, I can make you and your little toy's life miserable!"

"Hey mister, in case you can't see because you are blinded by your stupidity, I am a girl," I butted in. Who was he calling me a toy? If anything, Katherine is a toy. They're both made of plastic after all. 

"Nobody was talking to you bit-"

"Come on Pidge. Let's go. Why should we waste our time here with a piece of sh*t who doesn't know what he is saying?" Keith said, tired of Mike's stupid behavior. He dragged me, not that I minded. Anything to get me away from that idiot. 

Once we reached my locker, I opened it and got out my books. Keith leaned against a neighboring locker and asked, "Hey Pidge? You don't really care that I have been with other... girls before, do you?"

I stopped in my tracks, looking at Keith. Even though I shouldn't, I felt a pang in my chest of the fact that I wasn't the first girl with Keith. I couldn't give him all the things they did to him. But I would do my best.

"Sure, it's a bit unsettling, but I get where you come from. It's totally normal for a teenage boy to be in relationships, no matter what they are. It's fine, as long as it's not brought up."

Keith hugged him, snuggling his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him as he said, "Thank God. I thought you were going to run away from that fact. And you should know, I only have eyes for you."

Then, he gave me small kisses on my neck before pulling away, making me breathless. Come on, we should get going to class. Can't make my Pidge late now, can I?"


During B.C Calculus, I could see that many kids were either sleeping, playing on devices, or looking like they wanted to kill themselves. Honestly, only me and another kid were actually paying attention to the teacher. 

Right when the teacher was about to explain Problem #15, the door opened and the principal entered. 

"Sorry to interrupt, but I had some news!" the principal, Ms. Agon told my Math teacher. Then, she turned to the class and clapped her hands, making everyone instantly pay attention to her.

She can make those that are in a deep sleep wake up. It's crazy.

"Hello students! I would like to let you know that we have a new student in this school and that his block now is yours!"

Who could that be? I didn't see anybody new since the morning.

"Hon, you can come in now!"

And in came a person I thought I would never have to see again in my life.


Hey guys!

Here is Chapter 28!

This chapter was a little late because I had so much school homework I was drowning in it! Luckily, I managed to fit this chapter in, even though it is short.

Who do you guys think the new character is?

Don't forget to comment and/or vote!

Kidge High School Fan FictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora