Chapter 25

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As soon as I got home, I ran upstairs and started jumping on my bed. It was creaking, but I really didn't care.

I had a date today!

After some time, I realized one very important fact: Matt does not know about Keith and I's date.


Yeah, I should probably tell him before he figures out when Keith comes. Don't want my first date to be with a dead body at his funeral.

I went downstairs to see Matt was watching some show I didn't know.

"Hey Matt," I said, sitting next to him. He said hey back before turning his attention to the screen.

"So, I have something to tell you." I think he could tell how nervous I sounded because he paused the show before turning to me, worry echoed across his face.

"Is everything okay? Did someone hurt you? Who do I need to kill?" I giggled at his overprotectiveness before shaking my head.

"It's not something bad. It's just that, well, um."

"Just tell me Pigeon. I won't get mad. Unless it's something like a guy asked you out."

Dang it, who told him?

He saw the shock on my face before a thought came to him. "Wait, you're telling me that someone asked you out? When did this happen? Wait, who asked you? Better not be Keith. Otherwise, I'm about to kick his *ss," he said, curling his fist into a ball.

I think God really hates me.

"Matt, Keith asked me out," I whispered, but he heard me. He looked like he was ready to kill someone.

"That piece of sh- he asked you out? And you said yes? Without asking me?" This made me frustrated. Did I have to ask him for everything?

"M-Matt, I like him. And yes, I said yes to him. Do I have to ask you?" I said, scared of what he would do next.

"Yeah, but, him, seriously? You couldn't have gone out with anybody else? Or no one at all?" He whined, and I laughed.

"Yeah, chose him. And like I said, I have a crush on him," I said, embarrassed that I was talking about my crush with my brother. Talk about awkward.

"Okay fine, you can go on a date with him. But don't let him do anything you don't want to do. Take your phone. Something happens, you can call me and I will be there to kick some butt. Also, don't go any farther than hugging. For my own sake," Matt said, and I smiled giving him a tight squeeze.

"Thank you so much! I love you! Oh, can I call Allura? This is my first date so I don't really know what to do and since she is my only girl friend, I would like her help," I said, and Matt nodded.

"Oh, I just have one request. Can I make Keith really uncomfortable even though I approve of this date?" Matt asked, and I laughed. Keith always made me flustered, and now I wanted revenge.

I nodded jumped up, saying something about how he would get the shotgun. I shook my head. He was really going to enjoy this.

After I called Allura to come to my house, saying that I would explain everything once she comes, I went to my room. I had over 2 hours to get ready, so I started to look at my clothes, seeing what could be date-worthy.

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