Chapter 22

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Throughout dinner, I kept my gaze on my food, not wanting to look at Keith after what happened when we were cooking.

You mean when you were cooking and Keith was kissing yo-

Shut up mind!

It was pretty hard to ignore what happened, especially whenever I glance at Keith, he stares back at me with a smirk on my face. 

This has got to be the most embarrassing meal I have ever had. 

As soon as I had finished, I sprang up from my chair and quickly rushed to the sink, washing my hands. I was washing the dishes when a hand reached over me to grab the soap. I turned around and saw Keith was standing next to me, washing his dish too.

"Y-you don't h-have to do t-that," I stammered, not looking at his piercing gaze.

"Don't worry about it," he said, shrugging.

We stood there in silence; only the sound of scrubbing the dished could be heard.

Once we were done cleaning the dishes, I started to put them in their places in the cupboard. One dish was hard to put away since the cupboard was an inch away from my hand, even when I was on toes.

Dang it, why was I so short? I considered getting a stool or chair to help me put it away when Keith came next to me and took the plate from my hands. 

I couldn't move since Keith was trapping me between him and the counter. Once he put the plate away, he gently turned me around so I was facing him. 

"Pidge," he said so softly, I looked up at him. 

"Y-yes?" I asked, my voice slightly high as he leaned closer to me. His eyes, his beautiful purple eyes, were on my lips as he moved his hands to my waist, bringing me closer to him.

I couldn't say anything as one arm moved up and brushed away a piece of my hair that fell on my face. What was I supposed to do? Do I lean in? Push him away?

I couldn't dwell on those thoughts because just as Keith's lips brushed mine, a door opened, making us jump away from each other.

Luckily, it was the front door, so whoever came in didn't see Keith and I's little moment. I tried to hide my blush as my brother and Shiro came in, holding a bunch of grocery bags. 

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Shiro asked, putting the bags on the counter.

Keith was silently glaring (and he looked a little flustered?) at the two but managed to answer, "We were just washing the dishes. Dinner is on the stove."

"Cool. What did you guys do?" Matt asked.

"W-we were working on our project, watched a movie, and ate dinner," I responded, making sure my voice didn't give away that something else also happened.

Yeah, like how Keith kissed you on your ear and almost gave you your first kiss.

Yup, not telling Matt that. Can't have my crush die.

Wait, what?

Come on Katie. It's obvious you guys like each other. He was just about to kiss you and you didn't object!

That is true... No Katie, stop it! Keith does not like you! He likes girls that are like... Katherine, except less mean.

Go ahead, break your own heart will you?

I am not breaking my heart! I am keeping it from being broken.

Whatever you say, idiot.

Honestly, my mind is like my own personal bully.

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