Ch. 22

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I woke up feeling a weight on my chest. Cassy and I were given the guest room to sleep in and yet something tells me this isn't Cassy's weight I'm feeling. I open my eyes to see Whiskers curled up in a ball on my chest. He opened his eyes with a purr and began licking my face. I immediately lift him up and toss him on the floor.

"You're not who I want kisses from in the morning." I mumble. Meanwhile I feel the bed shake. I look over to my side to find Cassy sitting up trying to contain her laughter. I glared at her in response. "Not funny."

"I'm sorry. It was just so cute!" She laughed. "I don't know how you didn't wake up sooner since he was kneading and kissing you so much." She says as her laughing dies down.

"Speak of this to no one."

Cassy giggled. "Maybe."

"So, are you going to give me the real deal or what?" I said smirking.

She leaned in but backed away before we could kiss. "Nope! We have to get ready for school."

"Well.... I'm going to need some sort of motivation to get up." I teased.

Cassy playfully rolled her eyes and gave me a quick peck. "Come on!"


"Wait, Whiskers did what?" Laine questioned as I groaned.

"What part of 'speak of this to no one' didn't you understand?" I told Cassy while we made our way inside the school.

"Sorry! I had to!"

"You're literally the first person he's done that too." Laine said in disbelief.

"It's definitely a first for me too. Usually animals sense I don't like them and just ignore me."

"Woah, woah, wait. You don't like animals?" Cassy gasped in shock.

I shrugged. "I don't hate them or anything, but I don't obsess over them either."

"Guys, the bell is going to ring." Laine mentioned.

"Alright, lets go." I tell Laine. "And Cassy be cautious."

"Of course." Cassy smiled.

As soon as Laine and I arrived to class, Jackson waisted no time with walking up to me. "Hey, you never saved me a dance." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "I had more important things to do."

He hummed. "That's fine. I get it." Jackson then turned his attention to Laine, who again sat beside me. "I don't think we've met. I'm Jackson." He held out his hand to which I shoved away.

"She's not interested in fuck boys." I glared.

His smile still remained which annoyed me. "Well, no offense, but I'm not interested in her. If you two are free how about we hang out? A friend of mine could tag along as well. Maybe like a double date?"

"Are you stupid?"

He shrugged. "Hey, I'm just trying to be a wingman here." He winked. "What do you say? My friend is really crushing on you." Jackson says to Laine.

"Oh....uh.. Sorry, I'm not looking for a relationship right now." Laine says nervously.

"Then you guys could just-"

"You just can't take no for an answer can you? She said no so tell your friend to move on."

Jackson was going to continue, but the teacher finally ended up arriving, making him go back to his seat. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think I hate him more than I do Mason.

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