Ch. 14

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Me and Laine decided to go back since it was getting late anyway.

"Sorry about you're sweater by the way." Laine said.

I looked over to my right at my bare arm. "It's fine I think it looks cooler this way anyway." We both laughed as we made our way to the front door.

Here goes nothing. I opened the door and saw everyone watching a movie. Lance paused it and all eyes were on us.

"Oh wow! Looks like they got closer than we thought!" Ryley smirked.

"Kat, what the hell?" Lance accused me as if I'd actual-

"What happened?" Cassy frowned.

"Incident at the club. There was another vampire so." I said.

Cassy turned to Laine and asked, "Are you okay?"

Laine nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"How about you Kat?" Cole asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing I couldn't handle."

"So.... is that all that happened? Why'd you go to a club?" Ryley winked.

I rolled my eyes. "I was thirsty."

"And you literally have her right next to you! I'm struggling to keep myself under control! I mean don't you smell it!" Ryley yelled.

"Ryley back off. I wouldn't touch her."

"Oooo so there is some sort of a bond between you two!" I'm not in the mood to even answer her. I looked over at Laine who quickly looked elsewhere.

"Cassy lets go. I'm tired."

Cassy got up and stretched. "Okay."

Everyone else got up and started exchanging byes. Soon it was only down to four.
"Where's Scarlett?" Laine asked.

"She had to do something. Left a while ago." Ryley replied ready to walk out the door.

"Oh." Laine started to fidget a bit. "Any idea on when she'll be back?"

"No, do I look like I'd even care to know? Why you asking?" Ryley leaned against the door.

"Well she was going to take me home."

"I'll take you." Ryley smirked.

I rolled my eyes. Why do I have to be put in these situations? "Ryley just go home already. Come on you two." I nodded my head towards the door and walked out. Cassy followed and caught up next to me. Laine on the other hand stayed back a bit but still followed. This is going to be fun. Note my sarcasm. Why didn't I just take her home and save myself from any future awkwardness that may happen? I think I've spent enough time in the human world for one day.

We got to my place, which is basically Cassy's as well since she never stays at her own but no ones complaining. "Laine, there's a guest room you can go ahead and use." I said as I opened the fridge to get a blood bag for me and tossing one to Cassy. Cassy thanked me and I noticed Laine was going to say something but stayed quiet.

"You need something?" I asked.

"Uh no. I'm fine." She quickly shook her head and looked away. I was hoping I could avoid this forming silence somehow. Lucky me the sound of a fricken galaxy quake broke the ice.

"You know you could've just said you were hungry?" I tried not to laugh at Laine's embarrassment. Even Cassy smiled.

"I'm guessing this won't do?" I held up my blood bad and Laine looked disgusted.

"No way! And don't worry about it I'll be fine until morning." She replied.

"Don't be ridiculous! I can-."

"No! God no! I'll make something." I cut Cassy off. "You just stay out of my kitchen. Go show her where her room is." I waved my hand. Laine looked at me with wide eyes, which I will choose to ignore.

Cassy pouted. "You can't hold that against me forever!"

"Yeah, yeah, off you go." I shooed them both out and started to think of what I could make with what I had. I'm not as protective of them being together which I guess is good?

I finished with the result being a frittata. I called them over and handed Laine a plate.

"Cassy, you want one?" I asked.

"Yes, please!" She grinned as I served her a plate as well. I sat down at the table without a plate of my own.

"You're not getting any?" Cassy asked.

"Nah. I'm good."

There was silence for a while with only the clanking of the plates.

"Um.. Thanks again for letting me stay here.... and making me food." Laine said once she finished. "It was really good..."

"It's no problem, and I'm glad you liked it." I smiled. She just stared at me for a few seconds causing me to look away.

"You sure your arm is okay?" Cassy asked Laine.

"Oh. Yea, it's fine." She replied as she rubbed her now bare arm. I didn't even notice she took off my sleeve.

"Well it's pretty late. How about we all get some sleep?" I said standing up and stretching. They agreed so we all went to our rooms.

"Hey you should go give her some clothes." Cassy told me after we both finished changing.

"Right." Why me? I mean not that I wouldn't but she could have done it herself. Whatever. I went to the closet and picked the first things my hands grabbed, a black shirt and black and white shorts.

I started walking towards the door when Cassy said, "You want to see her wearing shorts?" I instantly turned around and she started laughing. "I'm kidding calm down."

"So what if I do?" I raised a brow and she immediately narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. "Hey weren't you ever told not to poke the bear?" I smirked.

"Bear huh? I'd like to think you're more of a panther." She said as she bit her lip.

"Says the one who's purring right now." I smiled and left before things got too intense. Got to remember we aren't the only ones here. I knocked once I got to the guest room.

"You know this is your house right?" Laine said. I opened the door and saw her sitting on the corner of the bed.

"I know but that doesn't mean I can't give you privacy. Anyway here's some clothes." I set them next to her on the bed and I noticed she was still rubbing her arm.

"You sure your arm is okay?" I asked.

"Oh yea it's fine! Don't worry about it." She waved a hand. "I guess I'm just still kind of shocked about what happened."

Here we go. I sat next to her and asked, "Do you need anything?"

She just stared at me again for what felt like the longest time before slowly shaking her head. "No I'm fine, thanks."

I nodded. "Night." I said as I walked out.

"Good night."

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