Chapter 25

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The last book I wrote was about 50 chapters. I'm still not sure how long this one will be, but there's still a lot I have planned so it won't be ending soon XD

Also I was surprised at everyone's responses to my question about how they read Toby's dialogue. Personally, I read it without the "stutters" and it seems like very few people do that XD

But okay, let's get serious for a second here. I've seen some comments about things in this story where people are like "oh that's not right" or "why didn't you just do this?" and so on. Normally, I'm okay with these comments, but some of them come out sounding a little mean. If you think something is wrong with the story, like something I thought to be true isn't or you think I should've done something differently, then please just let me know about it politely. I love getting feedback from all of you so that I can make this story better, but when I feel like you're being mean about things, then I find it hard to be motivated to write.

Also with chapters, please be mindful. I don't mind the occasional person asking me to update, especially if I'm late, but when I've just published a chapter not too long ago, it doesn't give me a good vibe. I actually wasn't going to publish this chapter today because of it, but I didn't want anyone who hasn't done it to feel like they're being punished for something out of their control.

Basically, use constructive criticism, be polite, and be mindful. I love all my readers and I understand that sometimes something you say just might not come out right or you might get too excited, and that's okay, just learn from it and don't let it become a habit.

I'm sure not many of you read this all, but if you did, then thank you. <3


I shuffled through the halls, glancing around my surroundings and trying to calm my nerves.

I stopped in front of the door to Slender's office and briefly debated running away before I decided that'd only make things worse. So, with a shaky hand, I knocked on the door three times and waited.

"Come in, child," Slender's voice boomed, making me jump slightly.

I opened the door slowly and poked my head in before begrudgingly shuffling inside the room and shutting the door behind me.

I didn't move.

"Come take a seat. We have a lot to talk about," Slender said, motioning towards the chairs in front of his desk.

I slowly walked forward and examined his office.

It appeared to be in a sort of disarray. Papers were scattered all over the place, filing cabinets left open, various objects strewn about the floor, and several books were sitting open on his desk.

I gulped and sat down.




"Don't worry, (Y/N), you're not in trouble," Slender assured me.

I immediately let out the breath I had been holding.

"I presume you remember the incident that occurred not too long ago, in which someone broke in and caused destruction?" He questioned, tilting his head.

I nodded my head, unable to form words at the moment.

"I've only just now gotten the chance to speak with you, as I've been in contact with my brothers trying to get some things in order. I've also been setting up measures so it doesn't happen again, as well as many other things. Anyway, I think it would be very beneficial if you would tell me what you know, seeing as EJ has been actively avoiding me so that I can't ask if you said anything to him. So, would you please share your story with me?" He asked, folding his hands and straightening up.

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