Chapter 8

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This chapter dedicated to @Ember_in_Lonelyland for her comments on the last chapter! Comment something funny to get mentioned in the next chapter!

School has barely started and I've already been swamped with homeworkkkk. Updates will be very slow but I WILL update.

If you guys DM me and I don't respond for a while, feel free to DM me again. Sometimes my notifications for DMs get lost in all my other wattpad notifications so I don't always see them right away. If I'm really taking a long time to reply, then spam my DMs or something lol XD.

Enjoy the story~


I slowly pulled the covers off of myself and slid out of bed. Someone was knocking on my bedroom door. Although, I have a feeling I know who it is. I stretched my arms and shuffled towards the door. Then I reached out for the handle and turned it, pulling the door open.

"Hey lemme just grab my bags and we can... wait... you're not Toby..." I trailed off, staring at the figure in front of me. They were wearing all black and had a sort of medical mask over their mouth and nose. A hood was pulled over their head, making it hard for me to see their eyes. I didn't have much more time to observe them before I was tackled to the ground and a rag was held over my mouth and nose.

I tried not to inhale what I assumed to be chloroform, but it wasn't easy trying to hold my breath and struggle to break free at the same time. The intruder was pinning down my legs with their body and attempting to hold down my arms with their hands. I struggled as much as I could, but ultimately, my brain became fuzzy and everything went black.

I hope Toby realizes what happened.

When I woke up, I felt absolutely horrible. I was cold, my whole body ached, and I had a pounding headache. I didn't even bother to open my eyes as I knew that the second I did, my headache would get worse. Instead I kept them closed and hoped for the best.

After a few minutes in painful silence, I heard faint voices coming towards me. As they got closer, I was able to make out what was being said.

"...awake yet?" mystery person number one asked.

"No, I might have gone a little overboard on the chloroform, but I freaked out. I didn't think anyone was there!" The second person exclaimed.

"Then why did you knock on the door, Angela?!" The first person asked, sounding very irritated.

The second person, who I now guessed was Angela remained silent for a few moments before responding.

"I dunno Terry... habit?" she answered unsurely.

I then heard a loud sigh.

"Okay fine. I get it. Everyone makes mistakes. But then why did you have to kidnap the girl? Couldn't you have just knocked her out and left? What are we supposed to do with her now?" The person who I guess was called Terry asked.

"I told you I panicked! And I couldn't just leave her there after I hit her with the chloroform. She could've seen my face! And I don't know, I've never kidnapped someone before..." Angela responded.

By this point, the two were very close to me. I assumed I was in a room and they were probably outside the door.

"Okay...okay. Let's think this through. Do we rough her up a bit and threaten to I dunno kill her family or something if she mentions us to the cops and then let her go? Or do we just abandon this place and leave her here, hoping she didn't see our faces? I mean... I guess we could kill her but then we have to get rid of all the evidence and if we don't do it right, we could get caught...." Terry trailed off.

My eyes widened as he mentioned killing me.

"Terry! We are not killing the poor girl!" Angela shouted.

"Then what do we do Angela?!" Terry shouted back. I held on to my head as a surge of pain ripped through my head. It was unbearable. In an attempt to curl myself into a ball, I somehow managed to underestimate how close I was to the edge of the bed and I toppled off. I hit the floor with a loud thump and held onto my head even tighter.

If I wasn't hurting that much before, I definitely was now.

The voices outside suddenly became quiet, but I wasn't concerned about that at the moment. I was more concerned with finding a way to stop the pain. I attempted to move my arm so I could push myself up, but a shooting pain struck through me and I curled myself into a ball once more.

The door creaked open, slowly and I could just barely hear twos sets of feet come in. The pounding in my head was pretty much making me deaf. The feet paused before coming towards where I lay curled on the floor.

"Oh my gosh! Honey, are you okay?" Angela asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, in too much pain to answer. How much chloroform did she give me???

"Way to go Angela. You probably overdosed her on chloroform." Terry deadpanned from across the room.

"Go get her some water and pain killer right now!" Angela exclaimed. I could feel her presence from beside me, and I assumed she was probably kneeling next to me. Her hand was still on my shoulder.

Despite my pain, I couldn't help but to wonder what the heck was going on. First this lady breaks into my house and knocks me out, but then shes all concerned that she might have overdosed me?

Also where am I? Am I safe? If Toby shows up and sees I'm gone, he'll probably think I ran and I don't think I want to find out what he'll do if he finds me. But it's probably too late to escape now. Even if I do, I won't make it back before Toby does. By now, he most likely already knows I'm gone.

It's best if I stay here as long as I can and hope he doesn't find me.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps again and who I assumed to be Terry walked in the room.

"Here." He mumbled.

I felt Angela pull my hands from my head, and pull me into a sitting position. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to ignore the pain, as she gently opened my mouth and put a pill in. The she held a glass of water to my lips and tipped the glass slowly, letting the water help wash down the pill.

After that, she lifted me up and set me back on the bed. She pulled the covers over me and began walking away.

"Come on, Terry. We've got some serious stuff to talk about." She stated, footsteps getting further and further away.

What's going to happen to me?

I slipped into a dreamless sleep and hoped for the best.

1198 words

I used part of an idea suggested by @Malaya2006 who said (Y/N) should get kidnapped while living with the pastas. I thought it might work better if she's taken before that though, but I'm giving credit for the original idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

If you have an idea, feel free to comment!

All these chapters are unedited so if you see a spelling error or something, lemme know and I'll get it fixed. Thanks!


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