Chapter 6

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Maybe it was my extreme lack of sleep that caused me to sleep through most of the noise. Maybe I'm just a heavy sleeper. Whatever the case, it didn't end well.

I woke up to furniture scraping against the floor. In my sleepy state I hadn't realized what was going on until I heard the soft footsteps. That's what caused me to bolt up and dart to the other side of the room.

The murderer had gotten in.

He was in this room.

I'm going to die.

My thoughts were broken by a loud chuckle.

"Y-you're awake-ke" he stated. I took in a deep breath and looked up slowly.

I must not be seeing things right.

It looked- it looked like Ticci Toby was standing in the room with me.

But... that can't be right. Creepypastas aren't real.

"Wow I must be really tired." I said, rubbing my eyes. I looked back up at the person and blinked a few more times.

"Wait what?" I asked.

I blinked a few more times before I turned my head down towards my arm.

"This is a really messed up dream." I whispered, before pinching myself in the arm. Then I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and exhaled.

When I opened my eyes Ticci Toby was still standing in the same room as me, but now with his head tilted to the side.

"Holy fuck. I- you- this is real." I stuttered out, staring at him.

He looked exactly as the stories described. Goggles, a mouth guard, the hoodie, all of it.

"M-maybe if I-I kill-ll y-you, you-you'll wake-ke up-p. Wann-na try?" He suggested, holding up an axe.

I gasped and shook my head violently.

"Nope, no thanks. Not today. Can we reschedule that?" I asked, hopefully.

He laughed.

He actually laughed at that.

"N-nice try." He commented before taking a step towards me. I immediately backed myself further into the wall and held out my arms towards him.

"Now now. Hold on a second. Um... you really don't wanna kill me. I mean I'm not who you're after. It was Jim and Rebecca, right? So... you should just let me go and we can both forget this all happened. Okay?" I asked, nervously.

He laughed again.

"Y-you know-ow too m-much-ch. I ha-have to ki-kill you." He replied, taking another step towards me. I pushed myself into the wall even more. I desperately shuffled through my brain trying to find something to say.

"Ah! But think about all the opportunities you're missing out on!" I exclaimed. He paused for a second.

"Go on-n." He remarked, seemingly interested.

"I- um- you- you could kidnap me! Yeah... why kill me when you could make me cool for you! Or... I could do your laundry! Um... I could go to the store for you! Ah... maybe you need a new axe! I could get one for you! Or... or uh I could be you're friend? Wait no... why would you need a friend. Okay so maybe I could clean for you! Everyone hates cleaning right? Have me do it instead! Those are just a few things I could do. See? If you killed me you'd really be doing yourself the opposite of a favor." I explained, nervously. I fiddled with my hands and looked up at him anxiously.

He was just standing there. His hand was on his chin and he was looking towards the ceiling (at least I assumed he was since he had goggles on and I couldn't really see his eyes that well).

After a few minutes of deafening silence, Toby plopped down onto the floor in front of me.

"S-so you'd d-do what-whatever I as-asked you t-to?" He questioned.

I nodded my head rapidly.

"Anything." I responded.

Toby rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"And I mean uh... I won't run away? I mean even if I did you'd probably hunt me down and kill me... andddd I like life so I wouldn't risk mine by running away." I added.

"Hmm...." he hummed.

I crossed my fingers hopefully.

I mean if I was a killer would I take this deal?

I always kinda wanted someone to do all my work for me.... so yeah! I probably would take this deal.

Then again.... I'm not a killer. I can only imagine what's going through his head right now.

"O-okay." He finally said after what felt like forever.

I blinked my eyes in disbelief. Wait... he agreed? He's not going to kill me?

"Wha- really?" I asked.

Toby nodded his head.

"Y-yeah. I s-suck at-t cook-cooking and-d cle-cleaning-g is s-so boring-g." He responded.

"So... it's a deal then? You won't kill me if I do whatever you say?" I asked.

Toby nodded his head again.

"Ye-yes." He replied.

It must have been my extreme lack of sleep. Or maybe the minuscule amount of alcohol I had drank was affecting me. But, for some reason, I decided at that very moment to leap forward and tackle Ticci Toby in a hug.

What's even more unbelievable is I didn't die.

Toby was startled by my hug. I could tell because he jumped a little. My eyes widened as I realized what I had done. I jumped off of him right away and backed up.

"Please don't kill me." I squeaked out.

And then he laughed.

This time it wasn't a malicious laugh. It was a real one.

I nervously laughed along too.

"Ahhh... so anyway... um what now?" I asked, looking towards him.

Toby calmed his laughter and thought for a moment. I mean... what should I expect? A week ago I didn't even know what creepypasta was. I still don't know much. Where do they live? Are they going to kill me? Wait... Toby is like... my age... and I'm like 18... and he's a guy... and I basically told him I'd do whatever I want him to. OH GOD I REALLY HOPE HE DOESNT WANT ME TO DO THE FRICK FRACK. I CAN BARELY FIND TIME TO SNICK SNACK SO I REALLY DONT WANNA THINK ABOUT FRICKITY FRACKITING.

My thoughts were cut off by Toby.

"I n-need to t-talk-k to Slend-der. You st-stay here. Do-don't run-n." He said, threateningly. I nodded my head in understanding.

"P-pack y-your b-bags-s. I'll be b-back to-tommo-row." He said, picking up his axes and walking out of the room.

I rubbed my eyes.

Creepypasta is real.

Ticci Toby is real.

I basically just became his slave.

What do I do now?


I guess I better start packing?

1136 words

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