Chapter 2

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The map of Scotland I use on top. I hope you like it :-)


In the reign of King Albert X of the House Stuart,

Colzean Castle,



Watching the trees roll by, Gretchen felt angrier than she'd ever felt in a long time.

Bartholomew had had the guts to arrest her and place her in the dungeons just because she cut off his future wife's hair. He was so dramatic sometimes.

And as if her punishment wasn't enough, he made her Lord Father pack up her stuff and like some exiled criminal she was shipped off to Scotland where her...God how she detested that word...Husband-to-be awaited her.

She imagined him as a hairy beast, with a full beard, lying on a bed naked, except for a bed sheet covering his privates, smiling at her suggestively.

'Ugh' She groaned internally.

She detested everything about Scotland and they had barely crossed the border. The roads were full of bumps that threw her around in the carriage and the cold sharp air pricked her skin.

And just when she thought her situation couldn't get any worse, the wheel broke, right in the middle of nowhere so she had to get out of the carriage while they tried to fix the wheel.

Mud stained her favourite satin slippers and the urge to cry like a little girl overwhelmed her. Her hand maiden, Helen, fussed over her; brushing her hair and wrapping a shawl around her.

At least the sun wasn't at its prime yet so it was bearable. She looked around aimlessly while the men tried to fix the wheel. She only hoped they had carried a spare.

The weather in Scotland was so cold and humid but it was most likely because they were so close to the sea and it was right in the middle of the rainy months. At least she had come prepared. She looked forward to wearing her brightly colored shawls here. They really needed a spruce of color here.

The sky was a dull grey that she hoped didn't mean rain again. But with this new terrain she couldn't be too sure. She sure had a lot of reading to do here if she hoped to fit in. But for now her primary concern was getting out of these woods and into a hot bath.

The men argued rather largely on the best thing to do and it was starting to crawl on her nerves even worse than the bugs that flitted about so freely. She knew that if she didn't intervene they would never get a solution before night fall.

"Oh shut it you bunch of moronic twats!" She yelled to get their attention.

They hit her with dirty stares but she didn't care; the fate of her sanity was at stake here and she sure as hell wasn't going to leave it in the hands of men that could barely keep their junk in their breeches.

"The solution to our problem is simple. I will ride to Colzean castle with some of you and my handmaiden..." Some groans interrupted her but she chose to ignore them, "Then the rest of you guard my stuff and the carriage till they return with some more men."

They looked at her in shock as they processed her words. She waited in thorough satisfaction as they looked wounded that a woman had solved the problem.

"Gentlemen you may be fine with standing around all day but I on the other hand am not." She complained, "I have mud on my shoes and bugs in my hair. So get to it!"

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