Chapter 1

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In the year of the reign of King Bartholomew VI of the House Stuart,

St. James Palace,


"That stupid bitch!" She yelled throwing her wine glass against the wall.

Her handmaiden, Helen, scampered away narrowly escaping a shard of glass that would have scarred her for life. But Gretchen didn't care, she was angry and the whole world could burn for all she cared.

She read the invitation in her hand again just to be sure she wasn't dreaming. Alas, it was still the same. Bartholomew was getting married to that prude, Lady Elena.

'When did the engagement even happen?' She wondered.

Finally she understood why all the Ladies at court were giving her pitiful looks unlike their usual disdainful expressions. She had just gotten back from a short trip to the Rothbury Chateau on... The bastard had done it to get rid of her.

"Damn him! Damn him to hell!" Gretchen yelled throwing the invitation on the floor and stomping to his study where she knew he was having a meeting with the Lords.

He owed her an explanation and she was bloody well not leaving without one. The sentries guarding the door stepped aside as soon as they saw the red haired demon that was coming their way.

'Wise move.' She thought.

Taking a minute to fix herself, she ran a hand through her hair and straightened out her dress. The men in the room stared with shock and unhidden anger as she burst through the doors unannounced, her father even more so.

"Lady Gretchen what is the meaning of this?" Bartholomew yelled.

"You're one to talk." She retorted, "How could you, Barth? What does that whore have that I don't?"

"Gretchen! How dare you address your King with such disrespect?" Her father scolded, "Apologize now."

"Oh shut up father. Don't start acting like you can control me." She told him angrily, "Bartholomew why would you do this to me?"

"Everyone leave us. Lord Robert stay. I believe this matter concerns you as well."

She ignored the dirty looks the men were throwing her as they left and she crossed her arms staring pointedly at him. He refused to meet her eyes but stared until the door had been shut before he took off his glasses. She watched him rub under his eyes and sigh deeply.

"I never wanted you to find out this way. I had hoped to tell you about the engagement in person."

"It didn't turn out that way now, did it?" She complained, "Honestly Bartholomew, I feel very insulted. I give you so many nights of pleasure and you end up marrying a woman that will be stiff in your bed? I almost feel sorry for you."

"Gretchen I..."

"Save the excuses. I give you my body, my love, my whole being and it still wasn't enough for you. I just hope once you tire of her you won't come running back to me."

Bartholomew winced and had the audacity to look sorry. She was not fooled. She knew it hadn't hurt him one bit to pick the 'perfect' Lady Elena. Her only regret now was losing the richest man at court. She would have to look for the next most eligible bachelor to marry.

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