Chapter 7

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While Dawson was struck in awe by the interior designs of Reece's pack house I was thinking about Hades wings. They were beautiful. He looked so free and for some reason there's this weird feeling in stomach. I wonder what it is it sort of feels like I'm a little irritated. Reece told us about where our rooms will be so Dawson and I decided to go inside and also because I was getting cold. Reece also told us about a guy in suit who will leads us to our rooms.At the moment were following a guy in a black suit with his hair slick back.

"Here is your room gentlemen. Alpha Reece informed me that you will be sharing a room" I blushed a deep red crimson colour. 

"I see thats good I can't wait" Dawson said with a cheeky grin but he only received a playful slap on his shoulder. "Owwwwy" He whined wiping a fake tear. 

"Thank you for the kind hospitality" I nod at the butler and nods back before walking away. Dawson and I open the door to see our room. The room was carpeted in blue there was two small wooden desk on either side of the king sized bed. There was a door on the opposite of in front of the bed leading to a bathroom. On the right side was a large rectangular window that spread across the whole wall. I walked out on the veranda looking out at the forest. I could see a small falling figure and something winged. I ignored it thinking it was my imagination. 

I felt strong arms wrap around me causing me to jump a little.

"Do you like it?" I turn around so Dawson and I was chest to chest. 

"Yes I love it" I give him a peck on his cheek causing him to go red. I smile at the sight. I turn around to look out at the forest I look down to see kids running around some in wolf form and some in human form. I giggle at two little boys who are laughing out loud by a man tickling them. I love kids. 

"Angel want to go down and have some fun?" I look at Dawson who looks like he's imagining me playing with kids. 

"Really?" He nods causing me to let out a little squeal I start to run out Dawson following not to far behind me. When I get to where I see all the kids playing I have some eyes follow me causing me to feel a little uncomfortable. Suddenly I feel something to wrap around my leg making me look down. My eyes meet with blue and brown eyes. I see a little girl her eyes brown and blue her hair was dirty blonde. She looked around the age of 5 I bent down so I was at her level.

"What's your name?" 

"Isabelle" She smiles at me and I kindly smile back.

"What a nice name" I say honestly causing her to giggle.

"Thank you what is your name sir?" 

"I'm Angel" This time she smiles even brighter.

"Are you like the Angel with wings that comes from heaven?" I laugh at her way of thinking. Well I might as well play along.

"Yep" I say popping the 'p' she giggles then starts tugging at my arm.

"Follow me" She pulls me to a group of girls and boys her age.

"These are my friends" I look at the group of people. 

They all say 'hi' then tell me their names. 

"Let's play" They all say in sync before they turn into their wolf forms. I look at Dawson with puppy eyes. He smiles at me before nodding. Like that nod was permission I turn into my wolf form and chase after the kids. We started to play stuck in the mud so it wouldn't get into something dangerous. Even though it was a kid game it was fun. I haven't had fun in so long. So glad I was in wolf form because they can't tell I'm smiling like a goof. After an hour or 2 the sun starts to set and the kids look half asleep. 

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